The Forsaken Community is so dead!

I might play again if I could be a more decayed Forsaken or just a skeledude


Home Depot 12 foot tall skeleton


Calia could give us some kind of evolution of the Forsaken, not a new generation of Undead, but a transmutation of the existing Forsaken into Nathanos/Sylvanas-like forms, not rotting, but ‘pseudo-alive’, meaning they can reproduce and no longer need to raise the Dead or kill the living for new recruits and replacement parts.

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Go sit in the corner and think about what you just wrote.


No no no no no.

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Leaving aside the Abomination there, uh, speed-leveling his blacksmithing, the thing with the Forsaken is that they are a doom species and literally every single one killed on the battlefield, and I mean permanently, head crushed, spine broken up ‘Dead’, not just we stuck holes in it until it stopped moving and moved on, ignoring the fact that unless torn to shreds or aforementioned skull-crushed and spine-severed rule, the Forsaken can just be re-animated.

Before the Val’kyr joined under Sylvanas, the Forsaken didn’t really care so long as they got to murk Arthas, that was their sole agenda and everything else was just a distraction.

Then Sylvanas started snorting the kool-aid and we went into some really funky territory.

Now, with Sylvanas gone for good :tm: and the Desolate Council in place, the Forsaken now have to deal with still existing despite everything that they wanted to happen either having happened, or being forever out of their reach, and the entire planet hating their very existence, while simultaneously knowing that Death is not the release they thought it would be.

So why not a form of pseudo-life and a slow but stable restoration of their kind, a balance point between Calia’s Light-based Undead, their connection to the Maw and the Shadowlands, and their rightful place as the true claimants to Lordaeron and her territories? It would tie up their story nicely, keep the Forsaken theme alive and well, and give everyone around them nightmares that, no, the Forsaken aren’t gone in a few decades, either from brain-rot or literally decaying to mold without replacement body-parts.

This is their land, and they’re not giving up on it ever again.

Did you think we had forgotten? Did you think we had forgiven? Behold now the terrible recent story arcs of the Forsaken.

Undead RPers are pretty demoralised in general tbh.


TBH I’m kind of fine with the need for Forsaken to have to take care not to have their race erased. It should give every Forsaken RPer pause that if they die again, they can’t just be brought back. And that every Forsaken who dies again diminishes their community. It’s a nuance that isn’t terrible to RP.

I don’t think Blizz will put much thought into the race being portrayed as going away, however. Look at the Blood Elves - they were supposed to be diminished and they were everywhere.


Why post when you could just not


Go on… :thinking:

Spare a thought towards the incorporeal undead, reduced to afterlife batteries in Shadowlands. Maybe Duskwood isn’t so bad.


sorry my undead character this expac is my vulpera death knight that dreams of how easily it would be to plague-bomb orgrimmar and instead decides to take the humane route of becoming a lawyer to curb their “fun.”

(please do not take their word on how powerful they are, they are just a little guy with a big dream.)

Oh my dear demoralized dead family members. I am right there with you.

I have many thoughts on this issue, but what a lot of them boil down to for me—as someone who has been a Forsaken main for years, and who has ridden the rollercoaster of emotion regarding our race’s future when it became apparent that Sylvanas was going away—is find your own happiness.

It’s a mindset I’ve had to work on for awhile. Because for many of us, as Sarestha pointed out, the recent expansion story arcs we’ve been through haven’t exactly been inspirational to players of a race known for its moral turpitude and general lack of scruples when pursuing political and personal power. For me, a lot of what happened in BFA and Shadowlands seemed to be setting up the Forsaken to be reframed as another “good” race with noble intentions, displacing the burden of their past evils as being caused by the influence (or just outright being the sole work) of Sylvanas and—with her departure—nudging them in a more broadly palatable direction.

But did that end up happening? Well, not really. Calia did end up in a leadership role among the Forsaken, but I appreciate how the Return to Lordaeron questline allowed longtime Forsaken NPCs like Belmont, Faranell, and Velonara (among others) to express skepticism and act as a counterbalance.

At the risk of this turning into a multi-page essay, I will simply say that despite whatever dissatisfaction I personally feel at what happened with Sylvanas, I choose to continue playing my Forsaken as I would have during the Classic/vanilla era of the game: a dark race hell-bent on survival and expansion by any means necessary. Because I like the undead, I’m proud of my characters, and I like having to grapple with issues such as, “What is our purpose now? How do we continue to ensure that we don’t permanently die out?” It opens the door for plenty of interesting RP and interactions.

That is honestly the main reason why I and a few friends wanted to start Convocation of Darkness (shameless guild plug for people who enjoy the old school Forsaken vibes :eyes:): there is still plenty of RP one can do as a darker Forsaken, and plenty of characters out there who will chafe at being led by a Light-raised Menethil. And then there will be other Forsaken characters who welcome the shift, which means more opportunities for interesting RP where both sides find ways to thwart the other or—when the exigencies of the world demand it—grudgingly coexist.

Blizzard can write what they want, and I’ll adhere to their canon. But that doesn’t mean I won’t also find interesting ways to write my characters’ reactions to that canon. It’s all about creating the stories that you enjoy, because I can almost guarantee that someone else in the community will enjoy them too.

And that’s part of what makes RP pretty freakin’ cool.


Lolz, all y’all fell for it. This “Troll” simply made a comment about our un alive status and it turned into a discussion of RP activity. He did say “community” but that was just enough on the line for y’all to want to cross it.

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Damn the man! I will have my soapbox, in this life or the next!

(but for real, I think that’s one of the great things Lohkash brings to the WRA forum community: one-liners that provoke interesting discussions)


I don’t think anyone fell for anything and instead took the opportunity from a little joke post to discuss a topic that is near and dear to a lot of RPers cold, unbeating hearts.


My heart is indeed as cold as this delicious iced coffee I’m sipping on. :coffee:

I love iced coffee it’s definitely a correct factual stereotype of me being a gay

Strangely enough, I was not intending to be creepy with it.

Nobody wants the return of Hyper-Pregnant Blood DK Mom and her retractable Ghoul babies on umbilical cords, to be used as flails in combat. And her description of the retraction process which could best be described as sucking two golf-balls into a vacuum cleaner.

phoont phoont

It has been … eight years? Nine? And I can still remember watching that RP fight in the Cathedral with a strange mixture of amusement and horror. Some scars do not heal.

But no, I mean nobody blinks at where the Mini-Scholars we find at the Expedition Base Camp in the Waking Shores, so yeah, life is slowly restoring itself after Shadowlands and the time-skip, but for the Forsaken, it could be something other than biological.

Broken souls from the Maw, too damaged and drained of anima to survive being judged by Arbiter Pelagos and instead sent to Azeroth, wrapped in corporeal matter and given psuedo-flesh that makes them not quite dead, not quite alive, to remain there for however long it takes for them to recover both enough anima to survive returning to the Shadowlands and to find some sort of peace with what they endured in the Maw.

There are potentially millions of Scourge in Northrend, Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. Now freed from both Arthas and Zoval, and with petty warlords rising up from amongst the more powerful Undead, Liches, San’layn, Underkings and Death Knights, reforging these Undead with what we’ve learned from the Shadowlands, along with existing Forsaken, could be the best way to finally end the ‘plague of Undeath’ once and for all.

And as I put forwards before, pseudo-living Forsaken could end their entire need for donors for spare parts and a more hopeful future. Imagine thinking there’s no future, no hope to leave something to a new generation, just a slow, sour and bitter extinction … and then there’s a child. And then another one. And another one. It is slow, uncertain and miraculous, but can you imagine the celebrations, the joy and the relief, to know that despite everything that has happened to them, that in spite of everything that they have done in turn, that there is hope for some kind of normal future for themselves. A potential future bond between Azeroth and the afterlife through these children who have a foot in both worlds and may themselves be both answer to and cure for the Undead from which they sprung?

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…Do you happen to remember her name?