The Forsaken Are Lordaeron

Your hypotheticals were never going to happen. Even Warcraft 3 ultimately had the Horde as fairly aggressive. Hell, without Jaina and the Alliance helping Thrall, Grom would have gone full evil.

Your hypotheticals were never going to happen. Even Warcraft 3 ultimately had the Horde as fairly aggressive.

When will you stop posting headcanon garbage?

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I think people expected the Horde would be able to do all the evil things they got away with in Vanilla without consequence. Well, they finally got a taste of those consequences.

Wrong. As usual. People expected the Horde wouldn’t be evil at all.


Thrall literally orders Grom not to attack the Alliance he goes and does it anyway.

Ah yes the faction that was making a bioweapon and testing it on living sentient creatures was not evil.

And for all the claims the Alliance are some colonizer stand in the Horde had no qualms taking Quillboar lands/Kaldorei lands when it suited them.

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Thrall literally orders Grom not to attack the Alliance he goes and does anyway.

Yes. He ordered Grom to attack and he disobeyed. Grom was then given as punishment alongside his clan the role of peon to go harvest lumber in a (to them) presumably abandoned forest.

Ah yes the faction that was making a bioweapon and testing it on living sentient creatures was not evil.

Forsaken were meant to be the exception, not the norm.

And for all the claims the Alliance are some colonizer stand in the Horde had no qualms taking Quillboar lands/Kaldorei lands when it suited them.

Good thing those claims are inaccurate, then. And as for the Quilboar? They attacked first, anyone that expected the Horde would drop their axes and let them kill them is foolish. The Kaldorei also struck the first blow, indeed had they not attacked the Warsong would have never had to drink the blood a second time out of desperation to survive. :man_shrugging:


And again proof that a good chunk of the Horde were still bloodthirsty. That should have been the first sign someone like Garrosh would rise.

Excuses. The Horde turned a blind evil while such horrible things happened. Want to not be treated like a monster? Dont do monsterous things.

The Horde could have fought to defend themselves and that would have been their right but they CONTINUED fighting to steal land in both cases.

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To be more specific, the Warsongs in particular were still more aggressive than most of the orcs by that point because unlike the other clans, they were never captured and imprisoned to go through the lethargy (the Frostwolves abstained from the blood curse entirely, so they didn’t have to go through either symptom.) Since the end of the Second War the Warsongs basically fended off the effects of fel withdrawal by continuing to raid Alliance settlements and fight off pursuers, in effect maintaining a relative state of elevated aggression and bloodlust that kept them from succumbing to the lethargy that had afflicted the captured clans. While a nasty business, the rest of the orcs suffering through withdrawal had the eventual benefit of leaving them less prone to the bloodlust and less susceptible to the blood curse reacting again when the demons returned.

It’s why Grom and his clan were specifically giving Thrall issues, disobeying orders and starting fights with the Alliance as the demons approached Kalimdor and the blood curse in them started to fully act up again, while the proximity of the Legion wasn’t driving the rest of the orcs into the same frenzy.


I am sure if you reduce the issue to such a narrow definition you will convince yourself its true. And I dont want to get into another debate regarding this particular topic.

But it was around cataclysm’s part where there were a few public statements and incidents like the band Corpsegrinder? I think thats what their name was… they were calling Alliance players the F slur to cheering crowds and it took weeks or months for there to be an apology.

I am not saying this is proof, but that Blizzard devs at some point had a preferences and vocalized it and this will lead some people to form an opinion

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Cataclysm is world renowned for having been written and developed by interns.
The Horde playerbase doesn’t deserve to be the evil villain for you to get your Master Race:tm: power fantasy rocks off against.


I am sure this made sense in your mind when you posted it


I wasnae replying to you.


Look, I understand there’s a certain faction within the horde playerbase that liked the “Thrall” type horde. The thing is, that horde always magically vanished and was replaced by a wc1 and 2 style horde whenever there was significant fighting between horde and alliance. Either that or wc1 and 2 style elements took the lead in the skirmishes on the ground, like the warsong clan or undead, while ignoring what leaders like thrall wanted them to do.

And how did thrall react to this disobedience? By capitulating and giving the horde fully over to them, of course! It seems to me that even the “good” elements of the horde have strategically made use of the “bad” elements to aggrandize the horde. Because they knew they themselves didn’t have what it took. It was a similar situation with garrosh and sylvanas in cataclysm, though there it was a case of bad and worse. Sure, he was disgusted by the undead and their raising of the dead, and had ordered them not to use the blight, but sure didn’t mind the results it brought!

When vol’jin appointed sylvanas as the new warchief, not a single horde leader (including the “good” ones) objected. Why? Because they were willing to ignore her methods as long as it brought them results. And only rebelled once there was no longer any alliance presence in kalimdor.

In summary, the horde has always relied on its bad actors to do the heavy lifting for them in times of war with the alliance. I would actually like to see what a war between an imperial alliance and an underdog horde would look like, because that has never existed. Instead, it’s always been precisely the opposite. An expansionist horde vs an underdog alliance fighting for survival.

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Insert Great Glorious Alliance vs Blood Horde here.

It even has its own version of Varian with Sawblade Fists.

You wouldn’t get a better story, you’d get the same story. Sure the individual dialogs would change, but beat for beat you’d have the Alliance blowing up a Horde city, the Horde is overwhelmed but slowly beats the Alliance back… Varian gets lost in the current-brand-evil-sauce, and the Horde with the Alliance rebels overthrow him.

Lets not pretend the writers would’ve written a better story just by taking the checkers game and declaring that Black goes first instead of Red.

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I wouldn’t mind if the alliance borrowed a bit from the great glorious alliance playbook actually; they need more grit.

It seems to me that the alliance has always been overly preoccupied with being “good”, to the point where it’s overly saccharine and sickeningly sweet (mind you this is in a world where all factions, horde/alliance/other, are fighting for their lives!). If that was all it was, that would be one thing, but it’s inevitably accompanied with them being seemingly as dumb as possible. Almost as if they shouldn’t have been playable in the first place. That’s how dumb they are.

But that’s what you get with horde devs running the game and writing the story. A nuanced, gray horde, and a goody-two-shoes alliance with zero depth.

I agree that the current writers would probably be creatively bankrupt enough to just mirror it. If they got people who actually cared about and were invested in the alliance and its themes though and were proficient writers, they could do it. They would need to actually find those people, though. If they had a horde dev write it, yeah, that would probably be the result. I assume the great glorious alliance vs blood horde thing was written the way it was because it was easier and was kind of a throwaway side quest type of thing.

What a stupid name… my god.

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I rather get the impression that it’s supposed to be.

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Blood Horde doesn’t sound as stupid so why the disparity?

I assume it’s because it’s a european inspired faction acting in a jingoistic manner. So they named it that way to make clear you’re not supposed to like them.

The whole point of that Azeroth is to be ridiculous and hyperbolic. I mean, the Grand Glorious Alliance literally exists there because a bunch of warmongers in that Azeroth’s Alliance couldn’t stand not being at war ever since the old Horde was beaten in the Second War, so they followed up the defeat of the Scourge with a coup to install new leaders who would dedicate the whole faction to chasing the Blood Horde over to Kalimdor and starting another war.


If the names are supposed to be stupid. Why is one more stupid than the other?