The Forgotten stuck

The rare mob The Forgotten in the new Vale of Eternal Blossoms is stuck in the corner of it’s platform evading without resetting. I don’t know if it’s the same one but I’ve found it in the same spot on the same hp (85%) for the past two days.


I’ve came looking for this, it’s the second time I found him but I cannot damage him, it’s stuck and immune to everything, and it doesn’t set you as “in combat”. :frowning:

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This happened constantly on the PTR. Constantly reported too.
I was able to kill it yesterday though, so at least I know they managed to fix it once.

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Every single time i find this guy since the patch launched, he’s evade bugged. Usually because someone who engaged him got knocked off the platform and died. It’s a shame because he can drop a pet. I really hope they fix this.

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Bump, still happening even in different phases when joining groups to check their phase

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Still happening.

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Yup still happening not fixed. GG blizz, used to be a top notch company now worse then EA, sad days.

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And is still bugged. Wouldn’t bother me too much but he drops a pet I would like. lol :frowning:

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Bugged in my phase, on WM OFF. Two days already. Had to find a group in the queue.

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Oh dear Blizzard …

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Currently bugged where I’m at :frowning:

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Seen him evading like this since 8.3 arrived.

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still bugged.

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Still stuck for the past 24 hours on Uldaman at 39% in the corner.

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Still bugged on my realm. Three days from now. And its hard to find a group for it in the queue.

This is still bugged. Has been bugged since Tuesday. This happened last week when he was up as well. Please fix thins. Keep putting in tickets and bug repeorts and nothing. My collector fix is itching

I’m looking at this now and still bugged.

He has moved to the other corner and is stuck at 64% on my realm now…

I don’t understand how this isn’t fixed yet. The only mob that drops this pet is bugged 50% of the times I encounter it.

currently bugged on Caelestrasz. Please fix this!
Its bad enough that the rare is only up when the assault is active and also that the pet is a rare drop. To not be able to kill it is ridiculous :frowning: