And hell…I just read that earlier post about Krac…that’s terrible
Used to quest with a guy named Painhawk and had a guild together hit me up if your still playing
Had a guild called Blood Brotherz in Horde back in BC, Blood Elf Prot Paladin called Nême with my friend Resto Druid Jteheal
Any classic remember that?
Blenderer [Troll Warrior] <Tempest>
AND <Ascendance>
(Burning Crusade + WotLK era)
Looking for any old guild mates to reconnect. Discord is Blenderer#1337
Hey guys~
Kenkona here from Immortality~ Or Ascendance. Whichever!
@Bananas - Shoelessboi is still alive and well. I still talk to him! He just no longer plays games. Has a pretty good fam going on.
Does anyone even remember these guild, also Fatum Imperium?
I miss Cia, Sojobo, Hellsmage, Xmaniac (he’s around somewhere), JIWOO, ect…All the fun people.
Anyways peeps, if ya this old and wanna kick it, I am starting a guild with some friends on Skeram, Horde! Feel free to hit me up!
Kenkona#1706 (btag)
Kenkona#8208 (discord)
Verge Orc Hunter. On TFC from Vanilla through WOTLK.
Nolr and I from Fatum are on Stalagg. The q’s are horrible though.
Blenderer! It’s me, Sapphyre!
I was an Orc hunter named Itukka, always ran around with a black lion. Played her up until Cataclysm, I don’t suppose this rings a bell?
ZeenJaya was my troll mage. I changed her name at one point to Aquila. Was in a few guilds until fourth meal.
Kaileena - Undead Holy/Disc Priest.
Majavi - Tauren Resto Druid
I mainly PvP’d/Arena’d with both characters but occasionally raided. I can’t remember my guild though. I started with an “E” I’m pretty sure.
I was Xet and was a founder of Sleepless with Shatter and Almighty.
I believe i was Ipopsheep at the time or my pally
Hi guys!
Drakorthedrk here. Undead lock that pvp’d with Splat. Ran with Vladd and Darzog a lot. Darzog was GM. Also Illicit was a mage i remember in our guild. My how times have changed. I use to click buttons with my mouse back then. LOL
Rolled a rogue on Incendius named Kutz.
Use to battle with peeps from Doppleganger all the time. Especially the rogue Substance. And Fedelis. lol
Also remember Okoi - female orc hunter, Lazeela - female orc warrior, Twizta - undead priest. And many more.
Character Name: Angrylol
Class: Orc Hunter
Guild: Thelawlzypop, Rain of Ninja Stars
probably the greatest troll on the server
obviously the best hunter
Previous Characters on TFC :
70 rank 10 Hunter Ipopsheep
70 rank 10 Rogue Xet
70 rank 8 Paladin Viktorion
Hey guys. From the previous post of Jhinsu, I ran Sleepless with a few friends from previous servers. Twista and Dow along with Lazeela, Okoi, Blackrose just to make a few. .we were all considered friends and had a tight knit group of pvpers grinding to rank 14 and once TBC hit we strived to become season 1 Glads. A few other names that come off the top of my head was a Rogue named Ming alliance side. Any of you that’d like to pvp again and level together you can hit me up on the Bigglesworth server on classic.
Currenting playing Classic.
Server: Bigglesworth
Character: Horde Undead Rogue Jhinsu
Xet - thats a name that looks familiar. Hope all is well! Forgot about Dow and Blackrose too. I recall seeing a video a long time ago of - I think it was Lazeela yelling out “stop fn sucking”. I think during and Ony raid. haha
Ps- also recall Angrylol!
Are you playing classic?
I’m on Kurinaxx w/ a Druid named Blenderer now
Ecoli, and Jugiem I believe. They were in the guild Vae-Victis.