One of the longest lasting horde guilds on Kil’jaeden, The Flying Hellfish is opening recruitment for competent players for Mythic Uldir and beyond. We’re a laid back guild, only raiding 2 nights/7 hours a week.
Raid times: Tuesday + Wednesday 7:30pm - 11:00pm PST
We’re looking for a few Ranged DPS to strengthen our roster. Having similar progress/experience and being able to play multi-spec/class is prefered, but not required.
If you’re not one of the roles listed above, don’t be discouraged. We always are looking for exceptional players, so feel free to apply.
If interested, please post here and/or contact one of the following people:
In-Game | Btag | Discord
Theoz | Theo#1181 | Theo#2455
Exhal | Brando#1608 | Brando#5677