The flipside of dropping ques

There is a flipside of multiple groups of 5 people dropping ques you should know about.

And that is that everytime it happens wether the people dropping realize it or not there is another game the one they dropped is now starting depending on how many groups dropped 5,10,15,20 players down and now that game is in effect instantly lost.

So in other words they are robbing the 10,20,30 players on the team of the bg they just dropped of a actual game and also the enemy team as well of a actually competitive game. so in total that comes out to be about somewhere around 65-80 people screwed in total on just 1 que dropped.

It could potentially be 100’s depending on just how many groups are dropping. Just thought you should all know about that.

I highly doubt any of the people dropping ques actually care cause trying to bypass the 5 player que limit to get 15 or 20 players or more in is already pretty selfish behavior.

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Now they may come back with "oh well they’ll just fill up eventually, and they are right except by the time they actually fill up to the appropriate amount they were supposed to be at they will be so far behind it will be nearly impossible for them to turn it around.

Sync qers are cringe, everyone knows that


Im still waiting on your friend request

100% this, I dislike que sync, but what grinds my gears is people who drop ques and ruin the game for others.

In classic it was a massive issue and blizzard made some random pop timer and that fixed it.

Your main is in SAS, a community which is basically the Horde equivalent of Ruin.

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Sorry what I’m not in there on any character

Comment not directed at you.

If you are talking about my pally which I just lvled yesterday and people I havnt played with for years… then sure man.

Kind of weird for you to know what community I’m in on a character I have played for like a week in the last 3 years, stalker much.

Edit: you said horde so that must mean shaman, didn’t even know my shaman was in a community. Now I’m super confused.

Anybody sitting on discord yelling out for random queues is a huge !@#$ing nerd :rofl:
Stop trying so hard lol.
I’m just sayin…

There are more premades who do it than not