The first week of prepatch

god I hope you’re right
and I hope they bring in a realm header for the character select screen
and get rid of this stupid 5 second cast for flight style switching

But… but… but… DOOOOOOOOOM!

It wouldn’t be prepatch if we didn’t have overreaction doom postings.

Uh. WoW has no loading screens? Alright, lmao.
I don’t even get your point. What do seamless zone entries have to do with loads of bugs that affect every aspect of the game somehow and unfinished and unpolished content? Nothing. That’s like saying ‘WoW has some cool raids, therefore it’s just natural that patches get released half-baked’. :joy: Completely unrelated.

neither of these two things bother me at all . Couldnt care less if my toons spec isnt teh so called top of the tree .

And yes there are so many things added this time that are total system changers that a Huge amount of bugs will occur , many will be fixed in Beta and reapear when it goes live , this cant be avoided

I think there are different types of problems all with different possible solutions.

The first set of problems are minor bug fixes - for example a quest isn’t functioning. Often these take minimal times to fix and may require a server restart. There’s been a couple of quests blocking the campaign quest on beta for some weeks that are caused by wrongly coded level restrictions. They should be fixable in very short time in a release environment. Will these delay launch - nah.

The second set of problems are persistent reoccurring bugs. There were climbing world quests in dragonflight that were bug ridden for many months. A server reset fixed them - but they were often just left and not fixed. There are climbing quests in TWW with the same issue - but none of them are campaign quests so don’t block anything. The fourth quest of the campaign once you hit the new zones has bugged on and off the whole of beta. It’s been relatively stable more recently - but way less people are playing beta - and it tends to go belly up when lots of people are playing. If that quest bugs it will be a problem on launch. Be prepared to swap to war mode to get around it. Will these stop launch - nah.

The third set of problems are class design issues. The scope of class design changes in both dragonflight and even more for TWW are huge. Some classes will be very happy. Other classes didn’t get enough attention. Theres still bugs in some new spells and talents. Some of the hero trees have problems in some classes. These won’t delay launch - and even delaying launch won’t fix many of these issues. The lesson here is when class design changes of this scope are intended they need to start implementing and testing them six months sooner - separately from the alpha/beta model. Constant class changes have been a feature of expansions for a long time - but its a bit sad when some class specs are problematic for too long. There’s another whole set of design issues - new profession systems, healing model, M+/Mythic gear level difference etc. These things won’t delay launch either and some of them will need fixes after launch.

The fourth set of problems is the impact of new expansions on old content. So some old expansions have got unbalanced, and you can’t solo their raids like you used to. That sort of stuff happens every expansion - and takes a bit of time to fix. Won’t delay launch.

The fifth set of problems is a sudden batch of technical and system issues. There’s a few going around at the moment and not everyone is experiencing them. One of them is constant logoffs in raids. These can be game breaking - and if they persist they can delay a launch. It just depends how hard they are to fix.

The sixth set of rarer problems is major system changes leading to unexpected problems. In this bag you can put warbanks, cross realm guilds and cross realm trading. I suspect they are related to the same problem (as warbanks enable a lot of cross realm trading). I have no idea what the issue is so let’s make a hypothetical. Let’s say cross realm trading opened the possibility of exploiting price differences in different auction houses (while most things on the ah are region wide a lot of the more expensive items are not). That’s a big system problem that would take time to fix. Those sort of issues could delay launch - but hopefully can be fixed soon.

That’s my amateur take.