The First Move (Shadowlands)

I came back to Wow for Dragonflight. Having skipped the Shadowlands xpac. I decided to run the old content for mounts/transmog. I’m looking on WowHead to find what I need to do and it says “Chains of Domination” is needed to unlock covenants. OK so far, but then…

I can’t seem to find the quest giver to begin “the battle of ardenweld”. According to the macro on WowHead, I have not completed “the first move” - which is an automatically assigned quest. I even remember being in the chamber the video walkthrough on Youtube shows.

I have actually completed all the zone questlines far enough to have unlocked dailies.

Anyone have any ideas?

First, the order of quests listed in Wowhead’s sidebar is very often screwed up recently. So, if you’re looking for quest chain info, it’s a good idea to use some other sources. In many cases, some kind soul has done just hat in the comment of quests in the chain. Wowpedia’s zone storylines page can also be helpful here.

Anyhow, you need to unlock your covenant (and on your first character do their campaign) to get access to Chains of Domination.

After you’ve completed the Revendreth story, you should be able to pick up Choosing Your Purpose from Tal-Inara in Oribos to pick your covenant.