The Final Atonement Side Story

On my level 60, I can’t begin “The Final Atonement” side storyline in Revendreth. I’ve done every other side story, and this is preventing me from getting SL Loremaster. Supposedly, I should have a quest available from either The Accuser or Archivist Fane. Neither are giving any quest at all, making it impossible for me to begin this storyline. Please fix this Blizz! :frowning:

Adding to this if helpful,
It’s on my “Raeyzej” character on Kel-Thuzad.
It’s a Ret Paladin which is in the Venthyr Covenant at Renown 3.
I’ve unlocked the Avowed Reputation through those quests.
The Accuser is in my Sanctum, not at the Halls of Atonement downstairs.
Archivist Fane doesn’t offer any quests, but does offer the Sinstone repeatables.

There is a longer thread with this bug, I suggest you add your voice to the chorus over here: Halls of Atonement: Your Absolution Bugged?


Appreciated! I added to that thread as well. Crazy that this isn’t fixed already. Multi-billion dollar company can’t fix major story bugs in a timely fashion :frowning:

It may be a deeper running issue than we can see, we can’t know unless they tell us :sweat_smile: They did put out a hotfix a couple of days ago, but it didn’t seem to work, so something seems to have changed between their test environment and our live servers :disappointed_relieved: