The Field of Ferocity Redux: Master of the Hunt! won't start

Can’t talk to Gurgthock the Fight Promoter to start the fight. Huntmaster Amaa doesn’t spawn naturally.


Same on Windrunner server

suramar as well

I fished until I found a group and we killed him…still didn’t get credit. Fubar

Broken here as well, no event can start at all so no one can do the quest chain either.

Also broken on Zu’Jin server.

Solidly broken on Mal’ganis, I wonder if it’s just broken overall?

Not working on hyjal either

Two discussions on this and no blue replies yet. I guess they ARE short handed.

Same problem on Mal’ganis, I tried joining a bunch of different groups to switch shards and its broken in every single one. This isn’t the first time Gurgthock has been broken, but previously I was able to fix it by switching shards.

Broken on Destromath

Broken on Barthilas

Broken on Darrowmere as well. poopy

Broken on Storrage. 10 players standing around. Huntmaster standing in the tower. He is Green (Friendly), talking does nothing.

Same on Blackrock. And wow, 8 hours ago?

also broken on Lightbringer

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Have the issue since last week, on Elune.

Bugged out on Azgalor.

Also broken on Saurfang.

Broken on aman’thul. Second time in two weeks this quest is bugged. Although last week was for a different boss. Same deal though.