Her hair is distributed like a horse’s mane and she keeps it in a ponytail
Please update WoW Centaurs, Blizzard. You can copy-paste the WC3 Reforged ones, I don’t mind.
Her hair is distributed like a horse’s mane and she keeps it in a ponytail
Please update WoW Centaurs, Blizzard. You can copy-paste the WC3 Reforged ones, I don’t mind.
Pretty beefy legs for such a small body, wouldn’t want to get a kick from her!
Can we get this as a playable race?
I’ll admit it, she’s pretty hot.
Mort, I say this with all the love in the world: You disgust me.
Yes to updated centaurs! Poor guys are still trapped in vanilla.
I would sacrifice Mortis if it means we can get them.
Please don’t
Let us sacrifice him regardless.
Don’t fret, I’ll keep my Rebirth on standby just for you!
But I was already casting my Fractured Necrolyte Skull. You are a critter, aren’t you?
Looks like we’ve got another sacrifice to make.
No! I am a mighty Warlock! Wielder of chaotic power! Seducer of cute ladies! The Zombie Demon Wizard man!
That’s okay, whenever I die a beautiful Mourning Song flower blooms over my corpse. Even in death I’ll still be beautiful and providing nourishment for the earth and animals!
How unfortunate for you that I am an herbalist.
If you die, I Soulstone you, Wiccan!
If we keep resurrecting each other we will never die
When was the last time we ever saw them?
I think… Desolace
Wow that’s actually really sad. They’re such a neat race. Hopefully them and the Gnolls get reintroduced into the current game sooner or later.
New AR material? I’d vote for it.
Dryads > centaurs