The Fate of new players and warlocks

Hello, this is my first post, I would like to talk about my favorite class, and the new expansion that will start…

I think the developers think that some players are blind, are you just going to take the same gameplay that exists in Dragonflight and put some makeup on it and think it will be good to play?

Here in my country this is a political maneuver that happens frequently and works.

What do you think about doing it again? To give new life to a class that you yourselves once made great?

Firstly I would like to say again that I NEVER had a complaint, or a compliment for you about the game, or about my Warlock.

But why are we going to move on to a new expansion, if things from the old expansion are still broken.

This is the minimum experience I have with World of Warcraft, I started in WTLK, I never killed the LK, I never killed the deathwing. Pandaria began, I played this expansion from start to finish, every day logged in, because I felt the difference.

Why the hell are we going to take the infernal thing, which this crap has been with us for millions of years, and add a chaos bolt machine gun to it? For an enemy death knight to turn on his anti-magic shell and kill us?

Have you noticed that a SPECIALIZATION that is EASY to play and attracts new players is a specialization that is no longer useful?

Today people who ask me about World of Warcraft or to play Warlock, I tell them not to enter the game or not to play Warlock. BECAUSE THERE IS NO MOBILITY!!!

I have other classes today after world of warcraft died for me (But I still play) but my whole life I’ve always played warlock.

I don’t understand politics, I don’t understand who is at the forefront now, who is the guy who can say things and make things happen. BUT that doesn’t matter, let him just take 5 minutes, and see how the warlock was AFFLICTED in LICH KING, the warlock demonology in Cataclysma, and THE WARLOCK destruction in MISTS of PANDARIA.

This was the culmination of the classes, now, it is very difficult, you know, to send this message here, and only receive one, THANK YOU WE WILL INVESTIGATE THIS.

In politics, a candidate for a presidential position used a slogan, which I think needs someone to step up and do the same thing.

The idea would be


But now I think it needs to be.


You know, it’s so easy, to play anything, charge for it, and then appeal for feedback from players to “change” something, with the final word being with whoever is releasing anything.

I remember that every month I struggled to pay my monthly fee and buy a mount from the store. Today I no longer feel that pleasure.

I know there are 30938123709812738781203 problems in the game that you have to deal with every day. But you know, I think that at least maintaining the environment FOR EVERYONE to have fun would be the goal.

Before in the past I gave my blood and sweat for the game, both in PVP and PVE. However, with the frustrations of life, I don’t do that.

But I’m going to tell you, what keeps me in the game and something I do EVERY DAY.

I simply help beginners who don’t even know where they’re going, especially if they’re playing Warlock. Every day I take anyone under my wing, and I go dungeons, raids, do gold, I make equipment (I have a tailor’s shop) I help them pass the level, I tell them how the game works, whatever the intention, and I really help. But I only do this with players who are already in Dragonflight, because I know there may be freeloaders.

And some of them watching me play say “I want to have a Warlock like yours” <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< loiloil ololololololololololololol

Many stop playing, many tell me about the difficulty of the game, or the fact that they pay for everything. Buying a cool transmog in the store, and having difficulty and being embarrassed to ask and stop playing the game.

WHAT’S THE USE OF PUSHING “NEW” THINGS when the past is still broken?

New content, attracts more attention, attracts new subscribers, attracts more players, HOWEVER, the players who remain are those who want to explore the game, EVEN ALONE. Because they know they can’t produce the current content, because of the extremely toxic community, or that asks for too many things.

I won’t mention the name of a boy I befriended, who I helped him with in the game, he was so excited that he made his parents pay 1 year’s tuition, buy the expansion, several mounts and pets in the store, and a transmog. Claiming that since he wasn’t strong, he would at least be prettier than the other players. However, he said he stopped playing the game because he didn’t know how to install something called “DMB and DETAILS” <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Now a message for whoever is the guy who makes it happen, whether it’s Blizzard, Activion, Microsoft, anything. YOUR MANAGERS AND COMMUNICATORS ARE TERRIBLE. !!!

And if anything in this outburst is not in agreement.

I just need an excuse to stop playing World of Warcraft

PS::: I would give my blood and sweat again to make this game great again.