the fate of a dragonflight badlands story quest lines
wheere to find this at
You can see the storylines for Badlands here:
and The Fate of a Dragonflight ends with this quest
but I don’t know where you are in the chain before that
I suggest you look at the chain of quests on the right-hand side of the page and see which of them you can find available.
It looks like it starts with a Hero’s Call or Warchief’s Command breadcrumbs quest, but the actual quest chain starts with a Goblin quest giver in Light’s Hope Chapel in Eastern Plaguelands:
I think you have to do one or two sets of quests in Fuselight before getting the breadcrumb quest that transitions you into the Black Dragon egg quest chain.
From a prior post, OP is already well along in the Badlands chain, so doesn’t need to- and can’t - go back to the start.
There is a quest somehere after The Sentinel’s Game that needs to be picked up.