The Fallen Protectors @ Siege of Orgrimmar

Aproved. Either fix or giva a mount to everyone

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Ion: We’re trying to get better at communicating.

This thread: two weeks and 350 replies and zero communication.



Something odd just happened for me. I was sitting at the Fallen Protectors, contemplating existence and having an existential crisis, when the cutscene before the fight played again. “That’s odd”, I thought. “Maybe this time it’ll work.”

It did. I progressed through the fight normally, bringing each boss individually into a phase-change. I killed the adds, rinsed, and repeated until they were all through to the third phase. After that I just blade-stormed them all to death.

Time to go get my guaranteed Tusks! /s


my friend and i just ran it and Rook and Sun phased normally. it appears to be fixed.


Seems to be fixed. I am currently running in the dungeon and have past the point of the previous bug. :slight_smile:


Good to see it fixed.


Can confirm it’s fixed! Woo hoo!

Now to be disappointed with no mount drop like normal. XD Ah, good ol’ WoW. lol


Chiming in to confirm this has been fixed. I put them each through their add phases just as you did, and they each entered and left their respective phases normally.

Gonna go ahead and stop tracking this thread. Good luck all, have fun!


God no, I’ve gotten that thing like 4 times, but no Tusks yet! Quit giving me giant mechanical scorpion death machines to ride and give me small bone things that that barely qualify as shoulder armour so I can parade around on my gnome in front of Orcs like a jerk!

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They knew about it before a lot of these posts, last week at some point, they just haven’t fixed anything nor gave us a rough timeframe, basically just “we know it’s broken, it’ll be fixed eventually”. I’d almost prefer that they just lied and said “we’re working really hard on this as we speak guys, so sorry for the troubles! Your money…errr your patronage means a lot to us!”

Can finally confirm that it’s now fixed. Hopefully it is for others as well. Good luck!

Finally fixed! They died like they were meant to! :smiley: (no mount and no shoulders, but it is actually fixed!)

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I’d love to trade drop luck with you. I’ve gotten tusks twice now and still no mount :/.

Never been so happy to see Zeal in my life! Thanks, Blizzard. You gave me a few more gray hairs, but I appreciate the fix.

Indeed is fixed… Ty

Can confirm, fixed.

Its broke again just happened to me 12X in a row, submitted a bug report WTF?

9/7/20 Attempted this many times, googled it saw this post and am very disappointed Blizzard has really screwed up alot of content, breaking many things ingame causing many parts of the game to be unplayable, feels like amateur work. Shame to see this STILL is not fixed :frowning: