The Fallen Lion

“King Varian Wrynn gave his life to save his people, he knew that no one not even a King, is more important than the Alliance.”.

We are a couple of months away from the 3 years since the death of our beloved King Varian Wrynn. Every August 9, I visit his grave to show my respects, over the years, a couple of friends have gathered to commemorate him with me, and seeing that the date on the calendar without any special event, I thought that maybe, the Alliance, could have a micro event to show their respect by taking flowers and placing them as in the pots that are in dalaran, or something like that. Of course, there can also be a counterpart for Vol’jin in the horde, same way. I would like to know if Blizzard is willing to listen to the community.

My father passed away recently, and I have thought in these last days that even if World of Warcraft it’s a video game, death always leaves marks to a son.