Most Horde players refuse to acknowledge the imbalance because they’re afraid that Blizzard could do something to fix it when in fact they want the imbalance and they’ll do everything to make sure that nothing will change in the near or the long term.
You can clearly see they’re acting in bad faith by just reading their comments and solutions.
Yeah, somehow the solutions that Blizzard used in the past were only acceptable because it was for Horde’s sake. Doing any of that again to help the Alliance today is completely unacceptable.
this is such a terrible thing to do. as of right now, the mechagnome racials are so OP i HAD to make a human just to unlock them, and i honestly hope they get nerfed before release so i wont have to play one.
Purposely giving out OP racials is like fixing the olympics, it’s justwrong.
They’re clearly using different solutions to the problem. When the horde needed help, Blizzard’s goal was to entice Alliance players to reroll horde.
When the Alliance needs it, they are just trying to give us situational buffs. It is NOT their intention to get horde players to reroll Alliance and THAT is not only the difference, but why they are failing.
Cross faction would destroy wow as we know it. And destroy any potential for future rts games as well. Which I am not okay with. Look I’ve played warcraft a long time and I disagree with you 100% and think your idea is horrible.
There are other options that have not been exhausted yet - like more server merges. There are some servers where alliance outnumbers horde too. The horde just have better players that’s the thing. They have more interesting characters and it’s ultimately just what people want to play.
They’re gonna have to take risks like adding certain races to the alliance - maybe even faction specific classes again to even things out. If everything remains the exact same on each faction - people will favor one over the other. Period. That’s not a blizz fix.
And there’s not a dev out there willing to be the person that destroyed wow. This formula is perfectly fine.
There’s really no such thing as an “alliance” or a “horde” player since we aren’t limited to making toons of only a single faction. The imbalance is where people are choosing to spend their time. At end-game it’s mostly horde which leaves the players who prefer to play alliance at end-game at a severe disadvantage in many ways.
The two sides are not equal. If you play alliance you will have a harder time raiding, doing M+ dungeons, crafting, and forming arena teams. Just about the only advantage the alliance has is battlegrounds since we have no wait time because we’re severely under-populated so the Horde is forced to wait on us.
The people being punished right now are the people like me who enjoy end-game content, but don’t want to play Horde.
And, before you ask, no. Cross-faction PvE is an unacceptable solution.
I honestly have no idea what you are talking about, in WoD, the raiding and pvp scene was 90% alliance, they had the OP racials, racials were then balanced in legion, and everyone went horde over the course of the expansion because alliance is a very toxic community and just isn’t fun in general. Bringing back OP racials will only make the problem worse
can you link me where he says this? I can’t find it, I see his interviews admitting there are more horde players, and that they are working on fixing it.
Go away. Just quit playing WoW and go play Rift or TOR or some other game that allows x-faction.
You know…games that failed.
WoW is its roots in the RTS genre, which is a genre based around faction divides. If you get rid of factions in WoW, the Warcraft franchise dies. If you get rid of factions in WoW, there cannot be a Warcraft 4.
Remember when Horde players were QQing super-freaking-hard because Against All Odds was awarding heroic gear? Then a horde guild swapped over to alliance temporarily for the extra gear piece that week before swapping back?
That was proof that things like gear incentives can work, even if temporarily which means the imbalance can be fixed.
IMO the problem is simply that the devs don’t understand their players as well as they think they do, and the major part of the problem is that they almost all main horde.
The devs need to all swap to the alliance and suffer through the content they themselves don’t like.
Then they need to improve it to the point that they want to play alliance. While they’re doing that, developing high-quality horde content should be easy since that’s what they’ve demonstrated proficiency at to the determent of the other half of the game.
Like in Eternal Palace where Jaina and Lor’themar worked together to take down Azshara? Perhaps when Anduin becames Saurfang best friend and made a speech in Orgrimmar about how honorable he was?
weird, i remember legion racials being pretty balanced, at least more balanced then alliance racials were in WoD, only racials that stood out are Belf for arena and trolls for raiding