Because the point of my question is I don’t believe adding things to lore is erasing older parts of lore.
Of course I have writting disagreements with WoW, but it sounds like you want something just entierly new all together. Which I guess my assumption was right considering you want the story to have a reset.
I never said it was. Believe it or not, in storytelling it’s not always the what but the why and the how.
Literally the complete opposite. Every thing you said here is a complete inversion of what I want, and I’ve already explained to you how.
Edit: and you still haven’t read what I wrote. Why did I go through the trouble of finding that post? You literally asked for it.
… I’m repeating the answer back to you,you want a reset right? that’s it, that was my entire question on what you wanted and you gave me the answer.
Then you didn’t read my answer. Wanting a story reset that returns the series to its roots is nowhere near the same as asking for an entirely different series. What are you even talking about, dude?
Keep in mind, all I was trying to do was explain to you why people cling to Wc3, because you seemed to think it was weird for some reason, despite this being how numerous game franchises work.
It’s not entirely different,but you do in fact want to change the story back to that way. that’s it that’s all I wanted to know.
So then you did not repeat my answer back to me, did you? You added your own spin on it to argue against a point I wasn’t making.
Again, all I was trying to do was explain to you why people still care so much about WC3. Then you asked how I would do things differently, and then didn’t read what I wrote. I don’t understand what you’re trying to do here.
Ffs I’m not trying To Do anything lol. I’m not even agreeing or disagreeing with you. I asked a question and you answered. Thats it.
I’m completely neutral in this I don’t care either way. There is no spin here,or altered motives. I wanted to know and you told me.
And then you immediately started contradicting me without even reading what I wrote, after I took the time to find a post that has exactly what you asked for, in it. You also kept claiming I wanted some entirely new IP that has nothing to do with what the writers wrote. That’s why I’m confused.
Clearly, we got off on the wrong foot, but you can just look at our conversation and see the disconnect.
…What? Lmao
What truce, there’s no argument.
I wanted to know your answer you gave me it. what contradiction? If you think I did not understand your answer let me know.
Like,damn i’m just here at the gym asking fan questions in between reps bored XD
Anyway, do you get what I’ve been trying to say now? WC3 is held dear by the fanbase for a reason. No one was asking for a completely new IP, nor were we asking for something the writers didn’t make.
I mean,a reset would be new. Literally anything would be new.
I did not mean new in the sense as in a completely different thing. , I meant new in the sense that they have never done anything like that before.
And by “that” I mean a reset.
Thank you for specifying. I still wasn’t asking for something “entirely new altogether”, nor was I asking for something the writers didn’t write. I was asking for them to expand upon what they’ve already written, while staying true to their roots.
Of course by your definition anything would be new. So in that case, yes
All debate aside, please read what I wrote, lol. I came up with it on the spot as an example of how the story could’ve played out differently while still expanding upon the classic lore. I’m moderately proud of it.
So I read it…
Was that all supposed to be just in the context of just WC3?
Everything written seems to be a minor change to WC3 besides the whole Western Horde and the Eastern Horde thing. It also only really focuses on Blood Elves and Forsaken, not saying the changes you made are not good but I am confused, did you not enjoy their stories originally?
Is this it or did you have more?
It was a specific example of how I would change the story of the Forsaken. I wasn’t planning on writing an entire dissertation on how I would reboot the lore in WoW. So I used a post illustrating some of my ideas that someone else requested.
I genuinely don’t see how you can see these as minor changes, though. Again, I think you really downplay the importance of Warcraft 3 and vanilla WoW, and how they influenced the worldbuilding of the setting.
If you don’t see how Kael’thas being alive and leading the blood elves, Illidan being the person he was in Warcraft 3 and not the Hot Topic Jesus they turned him into in Legion, Sylvanas caring about her people, Varimathras seeing her as the “winning side”, and how changing the entire storyline of the blood elves in TBC would radically change the direction of the story…
Then I don’t know what to tell ya bud. ;]
Thats how
Sure they are not minor changes but honestly if you cant cover the rest of WoW whos to say what would change? I am the reader, you are the writer in this scenario and the only thing you have written for me is changes to WC3.
You said WoW’s story did not follow WC3 that great, wouldn’t it make more sense for you to rewrite things in WoW?
Ok you’re back to not making any sense.
I don’t owe you an essay on everything I would do to change WoW. I put more than enough effort into giving you a reference point for my thoughts. You keep asking for things, not engaging with them until I call you on it for multiple posts, then coming back with nonsense like
I literally described how things would change from vanilla to TBC. I kept virtually everything in WC3 the same. What are you even talking about?
If people want a reboot cause they dislike how much horde villainisation as ruined the faction, why would they want to reboot all the way back to 1 and 2 when the horde was exactly that
You are in for it now, best of luck lol.
Who was saying that?
If anything, I’d just tweak Warcraft 1 and 2 to be more closely in line with what came after in Wc3 and vanilla. 1 and 2 still make sense as they are. The Horde WAS evil back then.
Lol, you’re still ignoring what I said.
Like…dude, you’re just glossing over core things I’m saying, and then you act confused when you think I’m saying something I never said. How am I supposed to react to this?