Servers haven’t been out for a week even and Horde is locked out on both PVP servers on the anniversary realms, I get why this is a thing for Balance, but why are players being punished and cant play what they want to play. Seriously delete more classic beyond low pop servers so we can have more Fresh anniversary PVP realms. Heres my Money, plz give us what what we are asking for…
Go alliance and show off your leet pvp Skillz bro.
WotF and 25% bonus stun resist are helluva drug
Yet human is best in tbc.
Just join us on Dreamscythe, problem solved.
Some of these people will be among first to ask for race/faction change when tbc comes, again.
Arena rants, AV is alliance biased off map, alliance runs premades…you know the usual rants.
I will make a human on my 2nd account.
Zitta! Watch out! Ppc.
I just happily made my horde to putz around on lol. Undead sugar mommy for the blood elf to come the plan.
PVE server, I take no pvp slots.
TBC even the carebears will be in AV at least. PVP gear to come makes nice fills in when raid/dungeon loot fairy says no.
I have cata then mop with the 85’s for my pvp. some on grobb so there is that. I diversity my gaming profile lol. I like EOTS, I’d not be giving that up for a year.
because if you were allowed to freely play what you want to play pvp servers wouldn’t be balanced
Yep. the best way to not have 70/30 server is to kill that crap at a lower threshhold. Like 60/40.
We’ve been down this road. twice. 70/30 is reached. 80/20 happens after, 90/10. 99/1.
Some go I don’t mind 70/30. good for them. Others don’t. this is where the servers in redo…hopped on that slippery slope to 90/10 or worse.
3/4 cata pvp servers were once 70/30. 3/4 cata servers are now 99/1.
Grobb has had locks throughout the series. Its ony reason for stability in the 1 to 60 migrations was intense player interaction.
Alliance guild X got with horde guild y. Dudes we are leaving. we bring 30 members. Can you match that? Yes we can.
Many 70/30 refugees didn’t want to make cata grobb like the now broke server they were already on. Imaginary numbers for example,
2000 horde left for it…in agreement with around 2000 alliance also doing that. Why leave faerlina…to make a new faerlina on grobb.
then later…blizzard had this locked down over wrath. Now cata. I expect it will be keep locks in mop too.