The eye clue ark

Has anyone else followed this story ark? See if you talk to NPC. This is where my nightmare begins. In Zuldazar in the bottom half there some Nightborne NPC. Who are now changing stories? It started at level 111. I was doing the archeology quest with the blood elves. I started talking to them. They said they were there looking for an eye.

Throughout much of the area. I spoke to almost every NPC on both of my horde and alliance class. As time went on and numerous villages, side NPC, and even a few gorillas. The eye thing started to fill out.

That lead me to Stromsong valley. Where it basically a dead end. Till I was working on war champaign on alliance class. The island where you go to help Jaina on alliance side get more answers on her. On the Horde side, you kind of get more clues about the eye.

That lead me to Nazmir were on both side you get more clues. The problem was it kind of split from there. Some clues pointed Tiragarde sound and other pointed to Drustvar. In the last 8 months, I yet found any more clues.

I have looked everywhere. I finally today went back to were it started the nIghtbrne have change stories. The cave that swims up is no longer there. The whole alter is gone. I did find some of them in Tiragarde underwater caves. They also allow you to get clues. The problem is I only have DH, warrior, rogue, and hunter at max level. They do not respond to lower levels. They seem to only respond to void elves or KT.

Has anyone else followed this ark? If so get any clues. The web is totally dark on it. I really like to know how it ends. If not I figure it out.

Last edit. I have written down most clues. It helps me think. The problem is my old computer died by doing a nosedive of the bridge to no were with all my data and most of my wall. It caught on fire. Note to everyone: never, ever play when the lights go low and bright. There is a surge in the area. Even good surge protector might not work.

sounds like youre the only one that can solve it

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english isn’t your first language, is it?

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What in the god damn?


…the Ashbringer.


I’m pretty sure this had the same effect on my brain that repeated hits to the head had on Junior Seau.

…Too soon?

I laughed harder at this one than it probably deserved. If I could post videos, i’d post one of Donnie from The Wild Thornberry’s making his gibberish noises, and then i’d write “this makes more sense than what OP wrote.”


Jeeeeeebus, that’s brutal.

They eye of Xibala? I didn’t know there was a lengthy story behind it, but the questline didn’t seem to go anywhere.

Seems like it could be pretty powerful, though.

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The Eye of Xibala is grabbed in a Zuldazar Questline! The clues you are following with your Horde members have nothing to do with getting the eye.

What exactly was said that led you to Stormsong Valley exactly? Furthermore what was said at the island that led you to Nazmir?