Small question: is this achievement giving a one-time +500 bonus or a +500/month increase?
Are you actively looking into those of us who have completed all 12 months and we don’t have credit for some months to get the achievement?
Can’t wait to see what the 24 month reward is. lmao.
I love this thread.
Based on WoWhead comments.
Everyone piled on.
Blizzard clarified, and well that doesnt really matter to some. Its just Blizzard doing “damage control”.
It was just entertaining to watch play out.
Just checking (because I thought I was in this same boat yesterday) - have you gone back to Stormwind to turn in for your monthly reward yet? Because I kept seeing 11/12 on mine and thought it was bugged, but it was because it was January 1st or 2nd and I hadn’t quite finished filling the bar yet to turn in. Once I filled the bar 1000/1000 and turned in and clicked the treasure chest yesterday, the achievement went to 12/12 and I got the gear.
If you did, ignore me. I was just making sure because I thought I was bugged but I just had to turn in first. If this isn’t your situation, I’m sorry and I hope they help you get it fixed!
Yes, I have.
I’m sorry that you’re bugged. I hope they fix it for you and the others quickly.
If they ever had this planned from the very beginning, why wasn’t it then announced to begin with?
Why does that matter?
We complain Blizzard doesnt listen to feedback.
Blizzard changes something based on feedback, we complain.
Is Blizzard perfect? No. But the flipside is every single action they do isn’t evil either.
Because it shows your genuinely desire to be an authentic user or not. If you protect them from every mistake they make, the game will become another SL.
So you feel its a mistake to add the extra 500 tenders?
The 500 bonus tendies sound nice. Kinda sucks hearing I’m not getting the bonus tendies (this month) due to a bug with the achievement not tracking progress correctly, but I’m not too interested in the stuff this month. So, I guess no harm done.
It’s not the issue if they have done it but how and why. This reeks too much of old guard Blizzard behavior.
I honestly have no clue what you are trying to imply here.
At what point is Blizzard allowed to try to “listen to feedback”?
Yeah…I’m not a fan of how this month’s Trading Post stuff has been handled, but I don’t get what they are saying either. If they are going to berate Blizzard for making mistakes, then sure, go for it. They’ve gotta make some sense though.
Don’t you think they never never intended to give us the tenders but bent the knee after the massive backlash? This is exactly the same issue with them, always. They think they can tell the players what’s the best for the game, only to fail time and time again. Pathfinder. Locked Covenant-choices. RNG on RNG. World Quests with extra steps.
It’s an actual pattern at this point. The only reason DF seems to be “more normal” is because they try and try again to go back to the their old roots, where they can get away with things what common sense wouldn’t allow otherwise.
Is it good that they changed it last minute? Yes. Did they intend to give us these extra 500 tenders from the beginning? No. And that’s what’s the issue here.
It is a shame, my achievement seems to be bugged. I’ve completed the chest every month and still at 10/12.
Thats exactly how it works with every single company that does anything.
FFXIV did this as well.
So your issue is that Blizzard is not 100% perfect in everything they do?
I have some bad news for you about life.
They are a multi billion dollar company. I always expect Nintendo-quality from them.