The Expansion with the Best Quests

Hey everyone, I was curious what everyone thought the expansion with the best quests was. Not for speed leveling purposes, but the quests you enjoyed the most. Personally it’s probably WoD or Legion for me in terms of enjoyment, but it’s been awhile since I experience MoP and I remember that was a fun ride too.

I say ‘enjoy’ because I imagine people that hate questing and leveling probably do some kind of combination of cata and wod to just get it over with as quickly as possible.

Legion. The class hall quests, the zones - I loved it all. :smiley:


Mine’s controversial, but Cataclysm through and through. When I get an alt to 30, I don’t really do dungeons any longer so that I can just enjoy the story if I’m pushing Cata specifically. My favorite is Mount Hyjal, but Uldum was a close second.

WOD still has the best zones and questing - Legion is a close second, although I don’t like Legions zones as much all the class stuff elevates it.

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I’m kinda in the same boat. Thousand Needles during Cata, and the chain to rescue Magatha Grimtotem from the Twilight Cult was very entertaining. Especially that she really didn’t need saving, she was just using her time “being captured” to recruit them to her cause to ensure she could power up the doomstone fully.

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I’m going to say Legion.

The class hall campaigns and Suramar quests were amazing. Gets it over the line.

Hasn’t been too that level since imo.


Mists of Pandaria


I have to agree about Legion – the class halls make for better replay value on alts. At the time the AP grind was a royal pain, but take that away and the class halls were solid gold.


Legion for sure

The sheer IMMERSION of some of the quests was on another level :flushed:

You can tell the story team/quest team really put their heart into it, the quests were rich in story and immersion

And the class halls were a “cherry on top”, those were really well-done as well


Tough to decide. I really like MoP until you get to Valley of Four Winds. Dread Wastes wasn’t interesting to me either.

Legion I think falls flat because you spend the whole expansion just. Not. Fighting the Legion? Except for like one area in Asuna lol. Has the same problem as WotLK in just not fighting the Scourge until you’re halfway through Dragonblight or into Icecrown.

Dunno what is with WoW and it’s ability to make an expansion’s main threat feel like a side story throughout its various story modes

I miss Harrison Jones, where the heck is he.


DF had a whole reputation he would have fit in well with too. :angry:


Legion for sure due to the class halls.

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I’m not entirely sure why he isn’t apart of the explorers league/dragonscale expedition. Total missed opportunity to bring back a fan favorite B list character.


Cataclysm, Wrath, and Vanilla.

Cataclysm if you played Horde.

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If by best you mean the most impactful and memorable…I’d say Vanilla.
You had some really epic attunement quests and story quests which couldn’t be done in 15 minutes like today.
The Onyxia quest chain.
The Molten Core attunement quest.
Farming Argent Dawn rep to get into Naxxramas.
Even the Duskwoods quest chain which led to eventually taking on Stitches on the road to Stranglethorn Vale.
Every quest was a chore and wasn’t done willy nilly. Each new green item was a much needed upgrade while leveling.
Sadly, those days are long gone.

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I will always have a soft spot for vanilla and the starting zones.
They have that cute brand new adventurer feel.

Legion was AWESOME!! However, WoD Garrison was just as Awesome!!

That’s a very hard question to answer. I think every expansion had some quest or world quest that was quite enjoyable to do. My most recent one is not a “quest” but a world quest that took place in bfa where you were sliding down the mountain as a penguin, amazing. Reminded me of super mario 64. Probably the best world quest I’ve done in this game.