The excuse given for the skeleton #change is flimsy

Let me start off this thread by saying thank you Blizzard, your Classic team has done great work bringing Vanilla back to life and we are all grateful.


The skeleton despawn change is very disheartening to see as an avid world pvper.

You will see screenshots currently be posted on various social media platforms of landscapes littered with skeletons, a living(?) testament to the ever waging war between the factions.

It made the world feel dangerous, It made you question whether you wanted to walk down that path littered with bones or turn back for safety.

We’re told that such a classic vanilla experience must be changed because of gold sellers? I strongly hope that you reconsider your position.

You have many tools to deal with the Susans of the classic world, please don’t ruin the experience for the Tom, Dick and Harry’s of the world with this “fix”.


103 posts were merged into an existing topic: Anyone else upset that they are removing skeletons from the game?