<The Evolved> LF a few consistent raiders

Good Morning!

Is a LONG time guild on US-Lightbringer. Leadership has been together for over 10 years. We offer a laid back AOTC focused raid environment and we always get AOTC. We are currently 8/8 Heroic and 2/8 Mythic. As we close out VoI we are looking to expand our roster a bit, as well as pick up a little more class diversity. The majority of the guild is 35+ years old, with over half 40+. We welcome married couples as we have quite a few duo’s on the current raid team. Primarily a west coast guild raiding on PST schedule. However we have a few central and east coast night owls as well.

We currently raid Tuesday/Wednesday 8:30pm-11:30pm PST and are toying with a Monday night alt run.

A few of our raiders like to dabble in different classes, roles, and specs. so Alts are always welcome.

When guilds go cross faction in a couple months we will welcome our Horde friends, and until that will add you to our community for raids and M+. For the rest of VoI and starting with 10.1 raids we are looking primarily for the following.

Tanks: Currently we have 2 tanks, however both are just as happy DPS’ing next tier. We would consider tanks that are vocal and work well with others.

Monk, DK, Warrior, Pally Pref

Healers: Currently our heal team is amazing and we are not looking for any Full time healers. However any DPS with a heal offspec is always a nice addition when people take vacation

DPS: DPS is the current focus of out recruitment. We believe strongly that a happy player is a better player so in the past we have not cared too much about raid comp. That being said this expansion we are lacking in diversity and would like to pick up some specific classes. Especially the following,

Mage: any spec
Druid: Either Feral or Balance
Shaman: Either Enhance or Elemental
DK: Either Frost or Unholy

Please contact Falconius, or Lyzha in game or myself at Falconius#1299 realid

Edited for guild changes