I am now on this quest, but the quest giver doesn’t show anything to accept. Any idea why? I followed Zygor and it say’s to accept this quest from Rolm but there’s nothing to accept from him.
Have you collected 20 Eternal Ornaments from the Eternal Palace raid? You have nothing to turn in until you’ve done that.
Details of the quest:
No I have not because there is no quest to accept there. After I turned in “Create Your Own Strength”, it said go to Rolm and accept the quest but there is no quest to accept.
The Eternal Palace: We Can Make it Stronger does not follow from Create Your Own Strength.
The Eternal Palace: We Can Make it Stronger is part of a quest chain that starts with finding a Broken Abyssal Focus in Nazjatar (in the Zan’jir Wash area), and only after you have at least one production profession (blacksmithing, tailoring, etc.) to 150 skill level.
It’s a professions quest. It’s not part of the “normal” quest chains associated with Nazjatar.