The entitlment of elitists is crazy

LGBTQ and Furries aren’t Blizzard’s core audience and yet they pander to them constantly.


Their mission statement actually says otherwise.

They want to bring people of all types together threw the power of games.

You’re honestly so close to seeing the point here.

A mission statement doesn’t change the actual playerbase.

pandering isn’t going against your core audience, it’s going against your own core beliefs to appease someone else.

Going against your core audience is just a risky business move. But it is not pandering.

I wish your initial post didn’t come off as rather, well, whiny OP, because to be honest I agree with your sentiment. There are a lot of places in this game where elitist entitlement ruins a lot of the fun. For me, it involves Blizzard’s tendency to remove rewards to create scarcity in an effort to make elitist players feel special. To give an example, the Mage Tower.

The Mage Tower should never have been removed from Legion. Blizzard should have used the Timewalking technology, which existed during Legion, to make the Mage Tower timewalking content. You hear streamers like T&E and Belluar say it all the time — the game is missing content like Mage Tower; a challenging solo player experience that gives a meaningful reward. Yet instead of making the Mage Tower evergreen in the same way they do timewalking dungeons, Blizzard decided to remove access to the appearances from the game.

This tends to be MUCH more apparent in PvP, where Gladiator Mounts and Gladiator PvP sets are removed after a single season, whereas anyone can get any PvE mount or transmog with time and luck. The game would be a lot better if Blizzard wasn’t so quick to cut their own content from it in favor of the very best players.

The people who get mad about a character being trans mostly consider “pandering” to mean “any reference at all towards LGBT people existing.” Because only cis-gendered, heterosexual characters have any right to exist in video games, presumably.


I don’t use the word pander in the context of being hypocritical or dishonest, and all the dictionary definitions I’ve found agree with me.

Blizzard pander to tiny, whiny, vocal minorities. I would say it is perfectly in character for them to listen to the small minority of mythic raiders over the larger playerbase, just like they gaywash straight characters to the chagrin of most, to pander to the extremely small amount of queer people in the wider population.

I don’t like you Ralph, but out of all the trashfire threads you create. This is actually reasonable.

Ah the old daily Ralph thread, complaining about complaining.

To pander to someone you have to be indulging them. In order to indulge someone in that context it means you have to be doing something you really don’t want to do, but you are doing it anyways. Nothing suggests what Blizzard is doing for minorities is something they don’t want to do. Their mission statement is evidence otherwise. If anything they was pandering to us Straight white folk all this time.

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I suppose we’ll have to agree to disagree there - I found it captured the spirit of the adventure much the same way as the original. And that’s having only really played the original very recently.

Yeah, the crafting and the weapon durability bothered the hell out of me, too - but I wouldn’t go as far as to say it’s nothing like the older games. Strikes me as hyperbole, honestly.

I do hope the dungeons are a little more interesting in the follow-up, however.

All that said, this is a wildly off-topic tangent. I simply picked BotW to demonstrate the sheer and overwhelming support there is for games that focus on player agency above all else. A game as open, and with a world as huge and rich as WoW’s really shouldn’t railroad its players down a single path.

Nah he was the shaman who constantly ranted about elitists. I do have to wonder if he rerolled to spriest.

man… who the heck am I thinking of. I know there is a undead dude that makes weird threads all the time and often says slap in the face. is pretty close to the name of raistlin or is at the very least a R name hahaha.

damn my age.

Forums has to either choose Ralph or Rastlin, one has to exist.

GD, pick your choice.

Minority or not, they’re considered by society to be nothing more than normal people. Because they are. And always were.

Heaven forbid Blizzard acknowledge their mere existence in the form of a side-character.

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But I don’t want either?

Honestly they should get a main character, a side character if it was me I would be a bit insulted. but what ever. If it makes people happy i’m happy.

Sadly that’s not the option. Pick one :stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue:

Give them both giant fish and let them slap eachother in the face and sort it out.

(Sorry Ralph no offense, just a joke)

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