The Enlightened reputation for new players to achieve Unity legendary

It’s account wide. Quit crying. Jesus Christ. Shut the hell up. The whining on this forum is ridiculous. Stop.

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The daily wqs take 20 minutes tops

Wish someone had told me that lfr gives rep sooner, none of the rep guides I found mentioned it. I didn’t do lfr last week and now I regret that.

poor new players of wow i feel real bad for you.

You can do the quest chain on alts for the free Unity belt. The actual Memory is BoA once you buy it, so only have to do it once

weird its like they give you 262 unity at the end of the campaign kinda sad you must have forgot to get that far

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You forgot, some “new” players like to skip the whole game and just jump into end game with all the best gear, so they don’t have to worry about anything but having fun doing what they enjoy…

yeah those players tend to be the ones who cheat in single player games spend 4 hrs in game then never play it again

In my first weekly M+ chest I picked a 278 waist with BiS stats, so therefore I must wait 3 weeks until I can do my Unity 291 in my wrist and then, equip the item I picked. Moreover, 3 weeks from now on and maybe the season 4 will be released.

Also, since Unity is account wide, I don’t see the problem to new players to be able to acquire it sooner :man_shrugging:

It’s been mentioned, it’s only been a couple weeks since the “old” players had to earn the rep…

Why are you thinking the season is ending soon? It’s not ending when 9.2.5 comes out which is still in the soon ™ period too.

You likely still have 2 months at least

You can spot the trolls by their post count or being on a lv 10 alt.

also back recently, fat chance im getting that on any of my toons. let me get the rep in pvp and im golden.

Good news then! You can PvP and get the rep! Just turn on warmode and head to ZM and do the quests like everyone else.

You’re welcome.


nah im good homie.

So you don’t think there should be any new players permitted to reach end game for the rest of the expansion? And the ones who do join, when they find out they’ve been scammed by false advertising that said they’d be able to play should tell all their friends that the game is a ripoff and the playerbase is toxic as all heck?

Actually it’s the alts of veteran/elite players who buy all those carries and want to “skip” the content.

Used many skips? They’re optional, you know. You can do everything the long way on all your alts to prove what a masochist you are.

They should have to play the same game we all play and stop asking for everything to be free because “poor new player”


So they should be permitted to play the game after they’ve done 100% of wow while leveling as progression, come back in 18 years, suckers! Maybe we’ll let you play then!

It never ceases to amaze me how many players, like you, are totally opposed to the concept of new players existing.

If they’re not going to be permitted to play, then stop the false advertising and pull the game off the market.

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WTF, lol, you people that try to defend the free stuff army are amazing.

Nobody said they don’t want new people, just play and have fun, or maybe this type of game isn’t for them…

Oh that’s right, they want to come, change how everything works because “they don’t like that part”. Sorry, I can’t get behind that, there aren’t that many games like WoW, and some of us pay to play it because we enjoy it…

“Free stuff army” = “Get out of my game, you shouldn’t be permitted to play, just do chores for the rest of the expansion and thank me that you are even permitted to log in, because you deserve nothing in exchange for purchase of the game and gametime.”

So new players should find it fun to grind chores for the rest of the expansion.

One where existing players feel wounded that a new player might be permitted to reach end game and play.