The Enlightened reputation for new players to achieve Unity legendary

A raid that was introduced 3 weeks or so into the patch.

I think they could go further and just remove it entirely.

Now that the grind is over, the game feels much much better. Login when you want to. Do what you want to. The way it should be.

I don’t have to remember to login and do my chores for 3 weeks, or then get bummed if I missed a day or 2, or god forbid you had a vacation during the first 3 weeks of patch launch.

Turns out logging in daily is untenable for most.

So yeah, this is possibly the easiest “grind” to date. The shift in focus to the WQs was just to make it more palatable (20 minutes).

It still sucked. Deep down even Blizzard acknowledges requiring players to login daily is not great…but need to keep those MAUs and retention up somehow.

So requiring players to login for 20 minutes a day still doesn’t fundamentally solve the problem. It is less awful… still awful nonetheless.