The endless halls tips

At this point I’m just burnt out over getting the mount seeing as they randomized the rooms and the best strat now is just to run through them and cross your fingers you find the rune you need for the orb you grabbed. Its not even a maze anymore but a RNG room shuffler that takes a obscene amount of time to do now. Cause you know RNG is a SPECTACULAR SYSTEM FOR SOMETHING LIKE THIS. Seems like some runes and orbs have higher chances of appearing and the rooms ramdomize after you go through 5 diffrent rooms. Think they may time out after a bit, can’t prove that but it felt like after 3 hours the runes I already completed began to appear again. As for the addon it works well for tracking runes, I wouldn’t bother with orbs seeing as the best start is to just pick one up and run with it till you find the rune you need. The reason why I say to track runes is sometimes you can get lucky and find the corresponding orb 4-5 rooms later and still be able to back track to turn it in. Good luck to anyone that trys this, maybe you will get lucky and will be able to complete it, but given its current stat its just become obscenely difficult.

Oddly enough, I did not have that much trouble with that.

I tried to map it out manually, but quickly ran into the problem with the “teleport” and different levels to the map.

Finally I just kind of found one color orb, or the other part, then retraced my steps. That seemed to work best.

I think I would pause, reading the forums or other stuff on the web sometimes. I liked that it was something I could do myself, without a rush from other players.

When did you do it though? I’ve spent the better of 8 hours on diffrent attempt’s trying to get through the maze. I’ve even opened a ticket on it and got the standard GM response oops I can’t do anything about that, which really brings their purpose into question. I Seriosuly feel like it’s possibly bugged for me or bugged period at this point. The last two attempts I did I got the green orb and rune done, then consistenlty found a purple orb and only blue and red runes. I don’t know what to make of it at this point and have pretty much given up on getting the mount as it’s become unfun for me to attempt the “maze” at this point. I only really wanted the mount for just the purpose of saying yeah I did that, but given the hassle they have created for it at this point makes it feel worthless for me at this point and unappealing.

I actually found the maze to be super fun to the point of pondering the idea of creating a similar game in my own time just for fun :joy:

However, I certainly understand it can be frustrating especially if you’ve been at it for a long time. My recommendation is to use the websites out there that let you draw what you find (you can draw out walls and spaces, mark orbs and runes, etc).

One particular bit to always pay attention to is make sure your path is truly new or if it’s a repeat of a different section. If you just go slow and methodical it shouldn’t take very long tbh. I do not recommend going RNG on it like you have been.

Good luck on the mount. It is very pretty :slight_smile:

RNG is the only option I have as I try not to recross rooms I’ve already been in using the helper add-on. The simple truth is that I have no choice but to just go random seeing as I can’t rely on stationary rooms similar to what an actual maze would be like. Instead I have to play the RNG slot machine to try and get it to spawn the orbs and runes I need, which hasn’t been doing a good job at that as of recently.

I have found the tables but have yet to find a single orb ugh

Oh wow. The new forums are now old enough that necromancers can return. Woo! Rise from the grave, ye threads of old. :ghost:


I got my orbs and runes done without realizing it. I got kicked into the gold final room…but thought it was a bug…I explored the area (without seeing the final note) and got kicked out of the room onto the top of a waterfall and couldn’t go back in. Now I can’t get my final not and I’ve tried restarting, but it no longer takes me to the maze…just two rooms and no exit. I worked so hard on that maze. Anyone know How to get to the room with the note?

Update in case anyone wants to know or has had the same problem. I waited a day and the Maze reset. Yes I had to start over from the beginning, but the practice I had the first time helped. It reduced my run from 4 to 5 hour to 2 hours 15 mins. The last orb (blue for me) took the longest. I now have the Mount and I am very very happy. It appears the runes reset approximately 1 1/2 to 2 hours after they are found. I kept track of my found orbs this time and that really helped too.