The end of the World of Warcraft

Should end with a condensed cinematic of all expansions, showcasing everything WoW has gone through from beginning to end, when suddenly Thrall wakes up with a shocked look on his face as a storm rages outside.

It was all a dream.

Fade to black.


That’s a heck of a long dream lol

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MMOs don’t “end.” Especially ones that have reached the popularity of WoW. I fully expect them to still be releasing content 20 years from now.

Thrall will be the next Rip Van Winkle


He will be staring on the GN (Gnomish Network), on the goblin run and funded reality singing show; Boogie Down to Murlock Town (Azeroth’s Masked Singer), when he is well with in his mid 90s.

But, did he dream of who shot JR though?

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20 years.

That’s no dream, that’s a coma.

Normally they don’t, but I keep thinking about how awesome it would be if WoW actually had an end.

Something like what Warhammer has.

Maybe the universe collapses on itself in an effort to purge the Light and Void or something, idk, maybe we lose to the Void entirely. Something big and epic.

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Deal, but he wakes up next to Jaina.