The end game grind is just to much!

You don’t, though. You just call it a grind.


That’s what dungeons are, though, so they’re not content, either, I guess.

No you’re not. Tell me when the game was “great” and I’ll tell you exactly how it was the same - or worse - than it is now. And you HATE the game now. So logically you hated it then, too. Or you’re just applying a double-standard.

I get into LFR groups for CN all the time if I do them early enough in the WoW week. Also you can buy an item off your renown vendor that will give you a random legendary power that you have yet to obtain. You do need a rank 2 anima conduct that is fully reinforced and the item costs 35 grateful offerings though.

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The game has gone downhill, which is why people are leaving in droves. All on the devs for making it terrible. MoP was great and it’s been all downhill since. Managed decline.


Somebody has completely forgotten the daily RAGE on the forums about Golden Lotus rep.

Attempting to flip things around with psychobabble and a logical fallacy isn’t doing anyone any favors.

Reflect on that for a bit.

And for what it’s worth I’ll take the pepsi challenge for any other expansion being better than SL. Any of them at all. WoD even, which I would consider a slam-dunk over SL.

We have the worst aspects of every part of the ION games in SL, it’s like a greatest hits of terrible ideas.
WODs content droughts, but worse, with even less content.
Legions endless grinds and timegating, but worse.
BFA’s systems upon systems upon systems (upon systems), but worse [Now with even more systems!].

Throw out some Brewa catchprases like “Hivemind” or “Streamers” as though it makes a difference. All those FF players are coming from somewhere, and I think you know where.


I agree 110%. I don’t like the grind, but I can do it if it’s fun in other ways. SL just lacks the fun factor.


Why do I have to re-grind Renown, isn’t that the same thing the community complained about with Azerite Armor.

Blizzard can’t even remember a couple patches ago lol


Odds are its a new dev team.

I have a feeling they have a lot of turn over these days due to work conditions and bare bones pay.

Hey, I’ve been telling Blizzard that the way they’re doing covenants is trash, since Shadowlands alpha. You won’t find me defending any aspects of that.

However, we’re talking about a player who just came back to the game and hasn’t played Shadowlands at all. If somebody considers playing the expansion the first time through to be a “grind”, they should find another game. Because WoW just isn’t a good fit for them.

I would love a new dev team, but what’s likely going to happen is a massive overhaul of the current team, and quite probably the 10.0 will be “a return to normalcy” as they try to get back the players they lost.

This sounds great to me, as borrowed power and timegating need to go out the window.

My fingers are crossed that they just make gear matter again.

They’ve devalued it across the board thanks to all these whacky systems cutting our player power.

Because it’s a “meaningful choice,” right? Especially when Blizz buffs/nerfs your covenant abilities mid xpac lol.

Covenants should have just been RP/cosmetic like everyone said.

Imagine if Blizzard just took the top 3 abilities from each covenant and made them a new talent row for each class and got rid of Conduits. All that dev/balancing time could have been used to make ACTUAL CONTENT!

Instead they wasted all that time making hundreds of abilities/conduits that can never be balanced and annoyed everyone.


I disagree. The best thing to do with covenants is have us belong to all 4 covenants at once, and choose where to spend our renown among the 4 covenants to unlock adventures, quests, abilities, perks, and rewards.

A gigantic skill tree, as it were.

Not only does that put the control in the hands of the player, but it would quadruple the amount of covenant-related content for everyone, and easily give people enough to chew on to last the entire expansion.

Yeah, and I would like gear to remain relevant throughout the full expansion.

To take an example people are probably more familiar with: TBC did NOT have timegating on the raids at first, like it does in TBC Classic. You could push through Kara and immediately start working on your Tier 5 raid attunements… there was no downtime. Your Kara and Gruul gear stayed very relevant, and even when we were working on Hyjall we had teams farming for things like the Dragonspine trophy and T4 gear for the set bonuses.

While there was gear inflation back then, it was a lot less profound than it is now, and content stayed pretty relevant. Even when you were clearing bosses in Black Temple, you’d still run Kara for badges and gearing your buddie’s alts. If you were a newer player coming in at a later phase of the Expac… well you could get into Kara easy for starter gear that remained viable even through Tier 6, and supplemented with Crafting BOEs and badge gear you were pretty good to go. That ease of entry and permanence is sorely needed I feel.

As far as covenants go, just pull the ripcord already. The players have spoken out for over a year on this issue. They have unprecedented amounts of feedback, they just ignore it.

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I am exhausted doing quest for epic flying grinds. I did have epic flying in original TBC, and it is so hard to find people to do group quest. I done with wow in 7 day I think.

No rep is necessary for power progression.

This is literally just questing. The Renown comes naturally from everything.

No different than gearing in general.

By the time you have access to the gem slots, your progression will be done or mostly done anyway. It is not a necessity in any way shape or form. I skipped it in S1 and it was fine. Skipping it in S2 will be fine too.

Oh you mean… Raiding?

That’s not a grind. You’re just playing the game. That’s how you get gear. It’s not some separate thing.

So don’t do that. You don’t need to.


I see your overgeneralizing everything and choosing to ignore things like deaths advance and relic BS. Then dismiss things like gems and korthia (and you DO need korthia for deaths advance and relic BS). The rest you say is just playing the game.

So I guess there’s no grinds at all then, since you rationalized it all away! You should make an effort to tell all those people who left the game over this the great news!
:rofl: :rofl:


What exactly do you need to get with Death’s Advance rep that is critical?

Because I’m drawing a blank.

Alloy Warping Facetor