⚔️The Emboldened ⚔️

One of the best things about the Emboldened is Bounty Night! Let's get us some killz!
06/06/2018 01:51 PMPosted by Khilvin
Hi there, I'm with a group of friends that just recently boosted to 110. Our ilvl range from 870-930 and wondering if you guys would be willing to take the entire group. We're primarily interested in RBGs, BGs, Mythic dungeons, and raiding (haven't done much raiding/ not many opportunities in a 10 man guild! lol). If you have any questions about us feel free to hit me up or something, thank you.

We'd be happy to have you! If you''d like feel free to message me in game and join in on the fun!!
I like this guild because the guild bank is constantly stocked with delicious food.

The people are genuine and caring.

We never run out of Nightborne Delicacy Platters.

And there is always something fun to do.

..plus the food stock.
This guild is awesomesauce cuz the community screams old school WoW.
I joined just a few days ago, and they already running me through Keys upgrades, BGs. Fun and welcoming crew. Awesome stuff ! Keep it up!
Dis one's favorite part of dem Emboldened bein dat dem spirits bein happy bout dem.

Dis one seein so many of dem people from dem spirits whispers runnin about wit dem Emboldened. Walkin up tah people an handin out charms, dat bein da best part.

(And also how quickly the group accepts new folks in. Jokes are jokes but old beefs are squashed as soon as <The Emboldened> is under your name so it seems.)
Joined the guild a few weeks ago. Really relaxed environment, everyone's chill and chats in guild chat quite often. Lots of pvp stuff being put together at all times of day.

If you want to pvp without dealing with less savory folks, this guild is probably a good fit for you. Plus, they pay us money to wpvp. Can't argue with that.
I love every single one of you who have posted so far. I am very thankful for each of you being in the guild and being able to call you friends and family.

06/06/2018 03:06 PMPosted by Gingi
I like this guild because the guild bank is constantly stocked with delicious food.

The people are genuine and caring.

We never run out of Nightborne Delicacy Platters.

And there is always something fun to do.

..plus the food stock.

Who would have thought 3 years ago when you first joined the guild and were super shy and quiet you'd become one of my best friends in the whole world. I adore you kiddo and not a day goes by I am not thankful to have you in our ranks and helping keep my head on straight! You're one of the best friends a guy could have <3

06/06/2018 01:41 PMPosted by Phen

I love this guild because it reminds me, and has given me hope in the WoW community again, real friendships and real bonds. Not just people trying to use me for Arena and never speaking to me again. Plus, I found the love of my life and she came from this guild, so that tops it.

pshhh youuuuuuu :3

*insert sappiest most mushy gushy post ever seen to man*

Thank you. For everything.
Since the end of Cata I've been wandering around the server mostly as a solo act. Any guilds I tried fell apart far to quickly or were not a good fit. It was getting to the point I was about to leave the server and try somewhere else. I thought I'd give things one last try before BFA.

After a week of research and Cari patiently answering my million questions I decided to give The Emboldened a try. So glad I did, its only been a few weeks but I have been having a great time. Even in the low point of a expansion there is so much activity. Fun events to join almost every night. Everyone has been super friendly with just the right amount of sarcasm.

All said and done, after years of wandering in WoW and other MMOs I think I finally found something I haven't had since my wrath days here on ED. A guild, one I truly feel I can call home.
06/06/2018 09:46 PMPosted by Kashari
Since the end of Cata I've been wandering around the server mostly as a solo act. Any guilds I tried fell apart far to quickly or were not a good fit. It was getting to the point I was about to leave the server and try somewhere else. I thought I'd give things one last try before BFA.

After a week of research and Cari patiently answering my million questions I decided to give The Emboldened a try. So glad I did, its only been a few weeks but I have been having a great time. Even in the low point of a expansion there is so much activity. Fun events to join almost every night. Everyone has been super friendly with just the right amount of sarcasm.

All said and done, after years of wandering in WoW and other MMOs I think I finally found something I haven't had since my wrath days here on ED. A guild, one I truly feel I can call home.

This literally made me tear up just now!! My entire goal as a guild master is to recapture the fun and real community like WotLK! Thank you so much for joining my family. Thank you endlessly.
Yeah I think The Boyz tm are pretty cool, and i get paid to frag people with bolts it's sick.
The Emboldened has clout
Hello Cari, Thanks for posting this! My friends and I (there are 4 of us) just decided to get back into the game for BfA. We are all starting fresh as: Rogue, Monk, Paladin, and Priest, although all of us have level 110 characters available if needed.

We are all returning players with three of us having played on and off since vanilla/TBC era. We are interested in PvP primarily, but also dungeons and raids. Would you be willing to let us join your guild?
06/07/2018 05:55 PMPosted by Nanulak
Hello Cari, Thanks for posting this! My friends and I (there are 4 of us) just decided to get back into the game for BfA. We are all starting fresh as: Rogue, Monk, Paladin, and Priest, although all of us have level 110 characters available if needed.

We are all returning players with three of us having played on and off since vanilla/TBC era. We are interested in PvP primarily, but also dungeons and raids. Would you be willing to let us join your guild?

We'd more than happily adopt you all into our ranks! Feel free to message me when you're online or add my bnet and I'd gladly hop online to invite you anytime! Romantically#11455
06/07/2018 06:41 PMPosted by Cari
06/07/2018 05:55 PMPosted by Nanulak
Hello Cari, Thanks for posting this! My friends and I (there are 4 of us) just decided to get back into the game for BfA. We are all starting fresh as: Rogue, Monk, Paladin, and Priest, although all of us have level 110 characters available if needed.

We are all returning players with three of us having played on and off since vanilla/TBC era. We are interested in PvP primarily, but also dungeons and raids. Would you be willing to let us join your guild?

We'd more than happily adopt you all into our ranks! Feel free to message me when you're online or add my bnet and I'd gladly hop online to invite you anytime! Romantically#11455

150%!!! The more the merrier!!!!!!!
06/07/2018 06:41 PMPosted by Cari
06/07/2018 05:55 PMPosted by Nanulak
Hello Cari, Thanks for posting this! My friends and I (there are 4 of us) just decided to get back into the game for BfA. We are all starting fresh as: Rogue, Monk, Paladin, and Priest, although all of us have level 110 characters available if needed.

We are all returning players with three of us having played on and off since vanilla/TBC era. We are interested in PvP primarily, but also dungeons and raids. Would you be willing to let us join your guild?

We'd more than happily adopt you all into our ranks! Feel free to message me when you're online or add my bnet and I'd gladly hop online to invite you anytime! Romantically#11455

Thank you! This is my character on Emerald Dream and I added your BNet account. I'll whisper as soon as I see you online. We are excited to join you!
my favorite thing about being in the emboldened is all the futas
06/07/2018 08:18 PMPosted by Heltor
my favorite thing about being in the emboldened is all the futas

The Emboldened is looking to recruit more futas for Heltor's army! Please inquire within!
Usually 2-3 guildies can appear pretty quickly even in low-level zones if someone's camping you. We had a raid-sized group converge on Loriathil once when Alliance scum were camping the emissary chest turn-in. Ditto if you just need to 2-3 man some heroic dungeon for some quest, or you're totally new to raids or battlegrounds and want to run in behind people who know what they're doing while you screw around trying not to die. (Skilled people only on the heroic raids, but they'll take most trash players on normals.)

Actually having random people who talk now and then and random other people respond or congrats is neat. Some of my alts are in huge guilds that somehow have only 2 people on at a time and nobody ever saying anything. Or the other extreme where you get a GM and guild officers whispering you to greet people when you're trying to solo down a dungeon. These folks just talk to whoever's talking and don't mind the folks who are alt-tabbed or focused on something.
Here's a little something something in preparation for the campaign starting tomorrow! https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20764967407#post-1
I wanted to share a picture of some of our guild members with you all! Come be apart of the fun!