The Elemental Incarnates - So Many Questions

How did these creatures gain their power over the elements?

The dragon aspects were blessed by Tyr, so one would think some elemental of sorts would have had to bless the elemental incarnates.

Also, what do the Elemental Lords think about the Primalists and the Elemental Incarnates? Why are they not a bigger part of this exapsnion? These guys were locked away by the Titans in their elemental planes, but had no qualms about helping the player shaman to defend against the Legion to save Azeroth.

Surely, they would have some input when a bunch of angry shaman and elemental dragons appear?

Furthermore, why aren’t the elemental lords appearing in Primalist Future? I highly doubt they would allow Azeroth to go to ruin, as mentioned earlier, they stepped in to help with the fight against the Legion in Legion.

Is it just a hand-wave scenario where the writers are just conveniently forgetting about them for all expansion?

Feels real weird.

When the 4 elemental lords were locked away in their elemental planes. The primal powers they represented were left without any beings to represent them directly on Azeroth. The Primalists took their roles and their powers. Thus the 4 elemental proto-dragons were born.


Which is weird because we’ve interacted with the elemental lords before, and in legion as a shaman, and they aren’t giant rampaging buttholes bent on destroying azeroth.

Furthermore, they were able to leave their elemental planes in Legion…so…

Lol wut?

It hasn’t been explained yet.

Currently unknown.

Blizzard hasn’t or doesn’t plan on including them in the story they want to tell.

They either don’t care, plan on taking advantage of the situation, or are dealing with their own problems. For example last we knew, Smolderan was MIA, so the Firelands could have descended back into chaos with no leader. For all we know Smolderan freed himself off screen as Neptulon did but is fighting off contenders to his throne.

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Writers aren’t D&D Game Masters who can have their Plot thrown off the Rails.

Of course if a Dictator of a Country were to get involved in a Story’s Development in the same way as a D&D Roleplayer would the Writers would have no choice but to act like a D&D Game Master out of necessity.

Furthermore they would be at the mercy of the Dictator so they wouldn’t be able to pull a Rocks Fall Everybody Dies scenario either. If the Dictator doesn’t like their Favorite Character the Writers of a Story(Novel, TV Show or Game) would have no choice but to kill them off.

In fairness, of the original four Elemental Lords only two weren’t like that. Ragnaros and Al’Akir seemed pretty on board with helping the Old Gods’ servants wreck everything and reconquer Azeroth.

Plus one might consider that even Therazane and Neptulon may only leave Azeroth alone because they consider the place no longer worth having in its current state. Even they might change their tune if someone offered the opportunity to outright return the planet to its pre-titan/pre-Old God status quo when the elements alone ruled everything.