The echoing reprimand node

I think it should be a choice node between all of the covenant’s major abilities, aka bone spike, flagellation, sepsis, and of course echoing reprimand. then the choice node behind it will allow modifications of which ever ability you chose.


I agree because at this point there isn’t much choice.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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I’d prefer them to remove throughput nodes from the Class tree and replace them with more utility options. All the throughput should really just be in the Spec trees.

Outlaw is chalk full of “Utility” talents that really need to migrate onto the Class tree. Echoing reprimand could easily be better served as a mechanism which triggers when executing a finishing move that spends all of your available combo points. Could easily share a choice node with things like Deeper Strategem.

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They tried moving utility talents to the general tree but the problem is that BlizZard doesn’t want that much throughput talents in the spec trees.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: