Having fun and improving can go hand in hand.
Just because you’re goal is to have fun doesn’t mean you have to abandon improving.
Having fun and improving can go hand in hand.
Just because you’re goal is to have fun doesn’t mean you have to abandon improving.
improving for what? i do LFR and timewalkings dont need improving for that
ill leave improving for the IRL gym
Oh boo hoo,show us where the bad BM hunter touched you
Do you not get enjoyment from getting better at your favorite hobbies?..
Being able to bench higher at the gym is a good example!
you can apply that same mentality to your other hobbies
I’m sure people go to the gym for fun too
there are games i like to get good at
i aced elden ring
So you are making a personal choice.
I respect it.
maybe for some people. but as someone that owns 6 accounts and nearly 300 alts that i have accumulated over my 19 year wow career. i beg to differ. there are no hard classes or specs.
do some have 2-3-4 more buttons? sure! does that make them harder? no. you can only press 1 button at a time, due to a little thing called “GCD”.
This is not true for all specs.
Many specs have multiple forms of procs that negate GCD.
Sometimes those procs happen quite often almost doubling the spec’s APM.
For example, BM has an APM of 35 (on average) while fury warrior sits at 65 APM.
IS fury harder?.. that can be subjective, but you’re pressing buttons almost twice as often.
exactly. but just because 1 spec might come off as “easier” in terms of “rotation” than the next, DOES NOT mean there are any “hard” classes or specs. that is all.
edit: and just fyi my main is a outlaw rogue with 2nd alt night main alt being an affliction warlock.
But data clearly shows one spec will take almost twice the effort.
There’s a massive difference between 35 APM and 65 APM when you raid for 3 hours, twice a week and then you throw in some m+ dungeons in there.
One is clearly “easier” in relative to damage output.
I mained outlaw in s1.
I understand the high APM specs.
Too much is happening at once and can be overwhelming.
Some specs don’t suffer from this
oh for sure. i am not arguing that. all i was trying to get across to the person who replied to me is that, “there are no hard specs”. i am able to play my outlaw rogue and my lock as good if not better than i can play a fury warrior or bm hunter is all i am saying. other people? i dunno. but for me there are no hard specs.
It takes comparatively fewer button clicks to sustain high AoE damage with fewer conditions and much less downtime than it does for other specs. You could say “oh moonkin can blast!” but they have to set up dots and accrue astral power before they can start laying the starfall on. DKs have to stand in Death and Decay in order to cleave (frost DKs can only cleave two additional targets!) which more often than not they have to run out of when foes move. It isn’t as bad for unholy, but it’s a similar issue. Earthquake and Blizzard don’t do as much damage as Beastcleave and Kill Cleave, yet they also are ground effects that mobs get moved out of. Some specs have really great AoE, but they’re constrained to longer CDs.
I do know that Havoc is bonkers now, but I am certain it’s going to get brought into line. Havoc though also has a lot more skin in the game. It’s been havoc DHs dying more frequently in dungeons I’ve run than almost any other class, likely due to the movement requirements.
I also get that people feel pretty jaded after what was allowed to go on in SL season 3 with destro locks and SV hunters. All I can say to that is that we can’t change the past, but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t correct things like that.
All the specs are easy to play in this game.
Is BM Hunter really the easiest class/spec?
that existed before
It’s subjective.
But it’s recommended as a very low risk high reward spec/class and most threads it’s recommended to new players.
If all classes were “easy” we would see people recommending outlaw and arcane mages and more of the other 40 specs.
If it makes you feel better, every group I’ve been in with a BM hunter can’t seem to pull more than 50k.
Hard no. Is it simplistic, sure. But still requires optimization. I choose to play more complex specs but it’s always nice to not get carpel tunnel playing your spec.
People need to stop crying for nerfs and ask for buffs for other specs.
Stop with the grass is greener mentality.
BM hunters haven’t been top since BC. Meanwhile your spec prob has tenfold.
This is not true, they dominated in 8.3.
They had many moments where they were middle of the pack.
Considering all things.
They were horrible in SL, but aside from that they were never bottom tier.
Don’t worry I am sure the Dec 5th hot fix they will nerf BM damage by 15%.