Fury warrior is fun unga bunga
the trick is FD after barrage , and then camouflage
There are already three in my raid QQ
Nah the real pro move is to backpeddle into more mobs then run across the room.
That way healer gets threat and the tank has to chase everyone because everything has scattered like roaches.
What I think people fail to realize is that the trade off for good damage as a BM Hunter is that you’re effectively a glass cannon. Probably the only class I know of where all three defensives are on a 2+ minute CD.
if there was a solid definition for murder in wow itd be hunters
Don’t get me wrong. I’d love it if bm got sv nades or something else cool.
ITT someone got outdamaged by BM and is now crying like a child.
gotta be something better you can do than whine
Pressing 3 buttons shouldnt = top dps in all scenarios and the best spec in mythic. Absolutely ridiculous hunters arent at the bottom
Take lust away from hunters.
tbf this is how forums genuinely think bm hunter is played. “but your PET does all your damage!”
god that was the dumbest thread ive read. glad more and more ppl told him how dumb that sounded.
From mages and evokers too. Shaman only.
Give hunter cool traps and pets that do awesome stuff instead.
You cant call other people dumb then play a hunter
Good for hunters
About 2/3rds, which wouldn’t be so bad if we still had shared leech with the pet. Or maybe halve the focus reduction rate on Exhilaration, especially since Hunters have so many instant no focus cost abilities.
Can we just completely delete evoker instead?
False. You’re hurting mobs and bosses.
Did they also rework their defensive kit so that they are no longer required to stand in Canada away from the healer and die when a light breeze manages to hit them? Because I still won’t want them in my keys until that is addressed.