The Dwarf Thread

Bronzebeard…we’re Bronzebeard dwarves. I don’t call you a Blackrock Depths Dwarf.

We are often referred to as sons of Ironforge, just so ya know. :smiley:

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I agree with this in spirit but let’s not discount those who play as Wildhammer especially since the customizations are coming.

They should still have been an AR or at the very least had an optional set of racials.


Finally a thread I can drink to…

Oh who am I foolin’ I’ll drink to anythin’.

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They really should give Wildhammer some love and recognition considering their history and importance.


I started thinking of Red Dwarf when I saw this thread…

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Who is discounting them? I’ll be a WH when I can. I just can’t now.

Aye, they should have been a full AR. They’ve been so important to the Alliance both new and old.

Why can’t ya now? They’re close enough to role play right now. Shortly they’ll be much easier.

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No. I don’t do things part-way. I’m all in or I’m not at all.

And now the theme is in my head…

:musical_note: It’s cold outside, there’s no kind of atmosphere :musical_note:

/places mango juice out


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rise up! :fire: :crossed_swords: :beer:


Kinda sad to see we didn’t get those stone gem eyes. I know it was always unlikely but they were neat.

Also still sad we’re not getting Wildhammer as an AR.


/rises up to place :beer: on the table for guests then heads off for a shower :beer: in hand


Ale in the shower? Not a bad idea.

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Agreed. If you puke you’re already in the shower to wash yourself. Efficiency.

:fire: :fire: :fire:

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What if… We fill the tub with Ale…

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Thorgnaar sends his regards. He wish he could make it, but he’s too busy saving the world from evil.

He’s a right genius that Falfalst. I say we make him minister of internal plumbing design.

I demand a tub that dispenses ale!!!

:fire: :fire: :fire:

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Huzzah for Dwarves! Hoping for a Frostborn version one of these days.


Ye look pretty, I like your hair, here’s your drink, are ye ready now?