The Dwarf Lounge

Dwarves. If you happen to have an Alterac Brew Pup, the little bugger also provides you with beer.

It has gotten me through many a cold evening guarding at Iceblood Tower.

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A doggo that bestows booze upon its friends?

This is too good to be true!

We do not speak of the tusks.

Santa has traveled back in time and killed Garrosh hundreds of times and has yet to receive the tusks as reward for doing so.

As for recommendations… maybe try the blue version of the helms/gauntlets?

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Santa has tried as well?!

Dvärg is sorry to hear…

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It is okay. Santa’s favorite set does not require them.

Can’t get the sword/shield/Cape I use with that set to show up so… that is with the sword I use on arms.

Cataclysmic + Grievous + relentless = :heart:

Still haven’t found a matching helmet that doesn’t conceal my glorious beard though.

I feel the same way. It’s really neat to see dwarves walk around in leather and mail versions of the mountaineer transmog. Blew my mind when I saw there were red and blue versions, too.

It does feel unnatural to be a dwarf in cloth armor and there really isn’t “part of a dwarf group” equivalent for cloth. I usually fall back on the robes that the Stormpike Emissaries wore around Ironforge when promoting Alterac Valley weeks. (They no longer show up because we switched to random epic battleground queues instead.) Bronzebeard Heritage armor was a major game changer.

I love the conceptual designs behind the current warfront armor sets (faction and racial themed). Hopefully they redo Alterac Valley or make a dwarven warfront so we can get more dwarven themed armor. I’d love to see how they’d interpret what constitutes a dwarven robe. (Every time Queen Moira gets an upgrade, she still uses armor that’s available in-game to players so the cultural void remains.)

Intensely curious what the animation will be. The Lunar Festival one was well-done! They’ve already used up the dance animation for the Winter Veil one.

Very important question as ye will be judged: what did you name it?


The Love is in the Air one has you levitate with wings and a bow and arrow, Cupid style, so it could be anything. I really hope that your character just uses the drinking animation loop for 9 seconds, falls over stone-drunk (complete with a “looks drunk” text emote) and begins to snore, and you “wake up” back at your home inn.

I won Tol Barad during Cataclysm completely smashed; I always ended up at the back of the line when we’d assault a point because my mount wouldn’t go straight, but as a healer that helps, I guess. :stuck_out_tongue: We’d cap a point, I’d stop to drink for mana and to recollect my buzz, and we’d be off again.

Wasn’t easy to click on all the nameplate health bars to heal with everything fuzzy, but it was glorious. ;D


HAHA, ya see?

Truly the only way to go to battle.

Kril’gurok… or, in your tongue, ‘dog that has beer’.


ha, adorable. Now I need to make it my mission to get this pup.

Fenshire, lad, will ye 'elp meh?

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That would be awesome. I’m curious if they’ll go with that approach or take a step back considering they changed the Brewfest drinks to be non-alcoholic for a variety of reasons. A drunk hearth might go against that, dunno, the suspense remains.

Nice, NICE. I like that. You’re okay for an orc.


Well you’re a fellow Dwarf so while it might me hard I’d be willing to give it a try

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First one to pass out loses!


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Gentlemen, let’s be respectful and play by the rul…

Just kidding lads. Have at it.

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Gets up from the floor, extremely disheveled and covered in footprints

Could we make it shecond to pash out? …hic!



Let’s just say that the LAST one to pass out wins.


Drinks incredibly excessively and passes out, groaning

I’m the real… winner… here…


Lad drank an entire keg himself in under a minute.


This be my third. :beer:

raises an arm in encouragement from where he lies, almost completely immobile

Chugs down a large tankard, laughs maniacally, smashes tankard on his head and passes out

OoOoo DaAnnnNnyY boOyyy…


High fives Bladinas from the floor, who is now lying passed out next to him

VAD. Check out what that bloody elf said about us in the ‘IRL Males’ thread…