The Dwarf Lounge

You’re welcome! It’s pretty cool when you pick something that hearkens back to a time when you first got into something. While it’s fun to stand out, which you most certainly do, it’s nice to look and feel like you’re part of a group, which you also pull off really well with that elven ranger look.

I was so happy when Blizz gave us the Trailseeker set in WoD. I had always wanted to look like a mountaineer, but never tried to farm the items to try and look like one. This was before we could transmog. I’ve always liked uniforms, so this allowed me to play out that fantasy of being an Ironforge Mountaineer. Now if only they would give us the Ironforge Guard set. :smiley:

_*takes a swig of ale


Oh man! I was so psyched when they revealed the Trailseeker! I remember a lot of other hunters complaining how “boring” it looked… NOT ME! Up to that point I was still primarily using the Savage Gladiator’s Chain Helm and shoulders from WotLK. They weren’t bad, but they were showing their age.

It still baffles me that they haven’t made the Ironforge Guard armor available (and the Night elf guard armor too come to think about it.) You can collect parts of the set, but not the whole thing. Why not let the whole set be available?

I like transmog a ton so sets that are incomplete bother me a lot.

Chugs the ale, finishing the mug and grabs another

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I would like to say that I recently added two more Dwarves to my roster via race change. My mage is now a Dwarf and my Warrior is now a Dark Iron. Both come equipped with the epic beards we’re known for. That puts me at 8 total of the master race


Some pleasant conversations here, but, we’re clearly missing Dvärgak.

I am 'ere!



I have finally returned! Think we had a few too many :beer:s last night.

Time to get back to drinking with my fellow dwarves though!


Lads, there is this mystical toy in the land of Pandas that places a keg on the ground, and enables all allies to drink from it, INFINITELY.

I am looking into building a 40 man ‘raid’ group to ‘raid’ this keg. Not bad eh?

When they told me this was a world of magic, I hadn’t believed them until now…

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I’ve amassed a number of alcohol summoning toys from the years of my adventures in Azeroth. Do you know the name of this item? I may be of assistance on this raid of yours.

Raises a mug :beer:


A ‘number’ of alcohol summoning toys?!

What a WORLD!

My dear Bladinas, my state of intoxication has caused an error in my words. I meant, I have the toy, and need a raid party to help me share it haha!

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Count me in, Dvargak! Let us raid the endless depths of that cask!

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Ah! I see! Is it perchance Jin Warmkeg’s Brew?

Something tells me you’re gonna love Brewfest! Thats where I got my Brewfest Pony Keg, Brewfest Keg Pony, and Pandaren Brewpack! ALL summon free beer!


Hoorah you beautiful Santa!

That’s the ONE! HAHA!

What is this ‘Brewfest’ you speak of?

It is a yearly week-long celebration on the outskirts of Ironforge that celebrates the Dwarves greatest love- Alcohol. You can earn tokens for the aforementioned toys I listed as well as outfits for the occasion. You can do beer runs for tickets, and you pretty much spend the entire time inebriated and occasionally throwing mugs at disorderly Dark Iron Dwarves that come to raid the beer stores.

Its a BLAST.



Brewfest is only the best time of year, my friend! People gather round from all parts 'o Azeroth to share their hoppy beverages.

There’s also all manner of festivities, such as ram racing, beer chucking, et cetera.

The food isn’t half bad either.


Where exactly have I been all this time?!

How many Dark Irons does it take to empty a keg of Brewfest Brew?

Missing out, thats what!
I’ve already done all the achievements and gotten all the toys/mounts, and I still do it every year!

You are my hero. Just need a beard, and you will be otherworldly.

Just happy to be of service my friend.

Raises mug :beer:

They’re adding a new Brewfest-themed hearthstone toy this year, so there’s something new.

Also, the wolpertinger pet is a favorite. Who doesn’t want to drink until they start seeing ridiculous flying bunny-deer?

Also, you can get two trinkets (the Bubbliest Brightbrew and Bitterest Balebrew Charms) from the holiday boss, Coren Direbrew, that will allow you to summon Brewmaidens. They’ll throw you beer if you /wave at them.

But yeah, Brewfest is my favorite holiday.


I am enlightened <3