The druid transmog problem

I think at some point we all need to come to grips and accept one very important fact: WoW is largely a fashion game. A lot of our drive to play the game is to collect new pieces and create new outfits for our characters.

This brings up druids, because they spend so much time transformed they don’t get to fight in the gear that they’ve earned.

For balance druid this issue is more or less solved since glyph of sun/stars changes the moonkin form to something akin to shadowform where you can see your gear. But still no such luck for bear and cat forms.

Back in cata it was teased that Worgen feral druids would be allowed to fight in their worgen form, but this would be considered overpowered because Worgen feral druids would be allowed to fight in their transmogs. They still finished the animations for Worgen feral druids as seen in the claws of shirvallah.

But here’s my ultimate point: Please find some optional way for bears and cats to see their gear while fighting.

It doesn’t sound very feral for an animal to be wearing clothes


Moonkin should



get codpiece transmog.

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Idk I kind of like the solution we’re on now with new form customization getting unlocked from doing content rather than getting armor skin. Why not just expand on that?

Transmog is for showing off while you’re afk outside the bank, I’m not paying attention to your funky little hat while I’m focused on mechanics and my rotation

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There is no Druid transmog problem.
There is a Druid form problem. That would be the lack of options.

I like this a lot too, I just think at least one of these customizations should let us see our gear.

This is a 20 year old dream at this point. I would not count on it ever happening. Fortunately they came up with the solution of letting us change the appearances of our shapeshift forms. It’s a pretty damn good consolation.


Totally. In the same way that CoD is largely a genuine war simulator. bunny hops out of thread

But I’m paying attention to my gear while I am fighting. Fighting while fashionable makes me feel awesome.

Adding “/Shout look at my hat” to every time I hit storm strike

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Ima just take this opportunity to hijack your thread and remind everyone that moonkins and ogres share the same skeleton.

If they add armor to moonkins it would be that much easier to add ogres as a playable race.

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Omg yessss

Only if it’s a trucker hat

Just don’t mention my $30 haircut


The legion skins has some armor on them, maybe they can create a few more skins with armor.

But a bear, a cat, and a bird fighting in pants and a shirt with a hat would be weird and out of the druidism fantasy play.

I think it’s groovy for you to approach the game as if it is fashion focused.

Perhaps by the end of the expansion I will have changed a mog on any of my characters. Haven’t done so since S3 of DF.

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I think I last about 3-4 months.

Typically I have a rotation. This is the first “new” one I’ve created in a while

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Usually when I come up with a new transmog I make a new alt entirely for it

I might have a problem

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They should continue to add new forms that can be used. Seeing armor isn’t really necessary.

Nothing has been added in War Within. But there aren’t many new animal forms in the expansion either.

Incarnation Armor. I had high hopes they would have expanded on this when they decided to use Nordrassil armor set as the base. When more druid races came up they dropped it for a red blotch. They did give it to Legion druid NPCs and beyond, but only using night elf, no tauren version anywhere.

I would like it brought back for player form choice and expanded to more druid sets. Not all of them, a select few good ones that would look good in cat/bear form like Malorne.