The Draenei racials... "Gift of the Naaru vs Regeneratin'"

I know these races are not exactly… great but I feel like the Draenei get shafted a bit. " [Gift of the Naaru]: Heals the target for 20% of the caster’s total health over 5 sec." vs " [Regeneratin] - Regenerate 100% of your maximum health over 6 sec, interrupted by damage. 2.5 min cooldown."

The cooldown on the Zandalari is a full thirty seconds shorter. This seems a bit odd given the totality of the racials that each race gets.

Regenerating can be interrupted by taking damage

It’s a channeled ability while gift of the naaru is hit and forget. So you have to stop what you’re doing, channel, and then continue.

There was a time when it was NOT interrupted by damage and it made Zandalari the best tanks because in an emergency they could just do that and be almost unkillable.


The important part is interruptible. You can easily shut it down in PvP. The other thing is GotN is castable on other players.


Zandalari can use regeneratin on party members?

A few things.

Gift of the Naaru can be used on other targets as a heal, and can’t be interrupted, so it isn’t just a self heal.

Also, why not compare it to the Forsaken self heal… which requires you to kill a humanoid target, channel a spell over the target and not take damage for 10 seconds, and after all that you get 30% of your health back.

Thematically it’s a great ability… functionally it’s one of the worst abilities in game.

If more people played Forsaken, it would have been redesigned years ago, it’s awful.

I’ve wanted Blizzard to rework cannibalize for a long time. Make it something like Fleshcraft, but we instead channel a spell over a corpse and steal their soul and give ourselves a shield and spec appropriate buff.

It’s because Draenei are cuter than the trolls. So that’s why they have a longer racial.

Was there a time that was the case? I didn’t think the original version ever made it to live servers.

Gift of the Naaru has saved my glorious azure keister more than often. It’s good for mitigation unavoidable damage, as well as survival.

Fun thing to do with it is if a boss fight requires you to heal something, like the trees in the Talondel fight, it helps cheese that mechanic a little.

Worked with Kael’Thas in Aberrus, Having more than one Draenei popping it off helps.

It did not. Alliance players did their usual thing and got it nerfed on PTR before it went live.

The ability used to heal 25% of max health every 1 sec for 4 seconds, was not interrupted by damage and had a short cooldown of 1 minute, 30 seconds. However it was nerfed several times during the PTR for patch 8.1.5.

Meanwhile, Stoneform continues to be the most powerful racial in the game’s history.

Opportunities to use Regeneratin’ and actually get a significant amount of health back aren’t that common unless you’re a paladin maybe; on my zandalari druid I basically only use it behind a pillar in PvP after dispelling Unstable Affliction

Hey, now wait a minute. My plainsrunning was a great racial what are you talking about…


My favorite was always Beastslaying, which Alliance players routinely mocked as the worst racial in the game, for years.

Then Horridon came out and suddenly it was the most powerful racial in the game and proof of Blizzard’s long-standing bias, so the Alliance lobby got it nerfed into uselessness.

Just you wait for grinding mobs to be the fastest exp in the game and beasts being the only mob type

Troll stocks are gunna skyrocket once more

yeah but the draenei also have another dps racial that increases mainstat.

in classic horde racials were top tier. Alliance had some decent ones to, between the natural fear break and stone form, but that was really it. Horde had the edge in pvp with the racials, but lost out in pvp trades due to paladins being so superior in pvp.

Honestly though racials now are forgettable.

there is no such thing as alliance lobby, no one played alliance after they nerfed human’s every man for himself. (which happened at the start of mop)

horridon was in throne of thunder - a mop raid - no one played alliance at this time, maybe like 3 or 4 people tops.

Normal draenei racials are pretty delux once you look at the Lightforged. Gift would be very much appreciated on this mage.

Name a race with worse racials, I’ll wait.

Like how berserking’s damage bonus was based on how close to death you were? Yeah those were stellar. :rofl:

Yeah I’m sure that’s why over half the characters in RWF right now are Dwarves and everyone in the top M+ characters last season who wasn’t a Druid or Evoker was a Dwarf, too.

I really really like your mog

Regeneratin is more of a not having to eat food ability. Rarely useful in combat.