The Dissrespect to Evokers

Yeah, will this thing even be visible while we’re using it? kind of a shame.

I know and I was being smart not to mention shortly after that learnt that it will not actually be the case.

Why make this post before all of the information is/was even out?

It’s just to make things elitist. As a casual player there’s no way for me to ever get to a Mythic raid I was there for BFA it was impossible.

Honestly aside from the Ilvl, as a Deva Evoker it seems junky. Proc wise its fitting more for the New Spec. First lego that didnt create an impactful benefit to the welders performance…outside of Raw Stats increase.

Mythic only seems harsh even for Blizz, as others have said I think they will change the Drop Difficulty. Maybe closer to 10.1.7 or when the 3rd spec is released. This has that spec written all over it.

The link confirming it’s not mythic only has already been posted in this thread, three posts above yours.

People just want to whine and call things unfair before they even have the information, hence this post even existing.

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Hm, the way I’m reading it, Sakareth needs to be defeated on Mythic ONCE in the region, then the drop is unlocked on all difficulties. Lower difficulties = lower droprates.

does anyone not rememeber freakin SHADOWMOURNE?! this new evoker legendary should be more or less like that on how to get it. quest item drops from any dificulty, and then you still have to continuosly run the raid for MULTPILE WEEKS, killing specific bosses from each wing to get the item they drop, AND having to compete rolls with every other strength user also running the quest to get the items as well, with the added bonus of getting more of the mats at higher difficulties

I ran raz weekly never got bow on my hunter. Maybe they need to stop giving hunters the shaft. But in all honesty nobody really cares about what you’re crying about. It’s just a weapon.

It can drop on heroic and normal. Just very low chance.

Lol this post did not age well. Proof that complainers are just going to complain about literally anything. OP is that jealous kid that didnt get the coolest new toy and throws a fit at his parents. Hahahaha.

You mean the hunters that had 1% chance of getting the drop?

They confirmed it will eventually be available from other difficulties

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Not only does it drop from every difficutly with scaling increase based off of difficulty: but yall JUST had a class specific weapon in the last raid? Disrespect?? You’re on something my dude.

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Pretty sure wowhead had a blue post that said first drop for a server was mythic only. Next reset after, it drops on any difficulty. Easier the rarer.

I thought it was dropping from any difficulty, but that the chances for it goes up the higher the difficulty??

Did they come out and confirm that it’s only mythic? Because that’s not what I heard.

Instead of them making it some big surprise, I kinda just want an official post on it explaining how you can get it. If it’s a special-people-only weapon that only drops on Mythic, that’s a bit disappointing lol.

On the contrary, they came out and confirmed it drops on all difficulties in a region once sarkareth has been killed on mythic once in that region. This post was made before that because people like to jump the gun.

Judging from the amount of times I was spammed last night in Raid, I think I has a decent drop rate.

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Oh, awesome!! That’s what I thought, so when I saw this thread I got super worried/confused!! lolol

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The persecution complex got established super quick.