The discrepency between class changes is WILD

The amount of notes classes like shaman and paladin have verses priest, dh, or warrior is insane. I understand hunter hero talents needing reworks (they were garbage), but Shaman and paladin are solid and just got a bunch of changes and now get more? Demon hunter and priest got basically nothing in the 11.0 patch and get basically nothing in the 11.0.5 patch. It feels bad.


It’s also the first PTR build.

This doesn’t mean in a few weeks that other classes won’t get sizable changes.

The Shaman changes help smooth out the 11.0 reworks, and the Paladin changes are primarily the Class tree which really needed updating.

Hopefully Priest, DH and Warr will get alot of changes in the next build or bandages for a 11.1 overhaul (assuming we don’t have a 11.0.7 patch since it’s the start of the xpac).

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Hunters went all of DF without a single change, it’s our time in the spotlight.


That’s what we said the entire beta.

Maybe next week… maybe next week…

There being no changes on the PTR after 4 months of the alpha/beta means there’s NO changes coming at all.


Hey Shamans got a partial rework during the last few weeks of beta and they didn’t think they were getting anything!

And Hunter’s have pretty much not been changed much since the start of DF and they just got a huge amount.

Meanwhile Priests (primarily Shadow) and Warriors had quite a few changes during DF.


PTR changes are ongoing and I suspect more are in the pipeline.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Shamans got a rework 2 months before beta ended idk what you mean by “a few weeks before it ended”

Because I’m thinking of the time between the rework and Pre-Patch, not expansion Launch :stuck_out_tongue:

They pushed a revamp out like 2 weeks before Live with the caveat that there would be another pass in a later patch. This is what happens when they push massive changes to the live game with no time left to test them.

Also, right now the single target rotation for Ele is literally just spamming lightning bolt but then primordial wave → lava burst → earth shock like twice a minute. There’s a reason they’re changing things.

Hope they start cleaning up other class trees. When I rolled a Druid I was so shocked how useless and strange some of the talents were that seemed mandatory for build paths.


It seems like they’re sticking to a similar patche cadence as during DF, so no, we’re not going to see any other classes getting changes for this patch. The initial batch is precisely which classes will get changes for this patch, other classes will have to wait for a later patch (so probably January at the earliest).

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First ptr build? This guy has never seen a .x patch in his life from blizzard. New expansion ptr sure they add, add, add[except priests] but a .5 patch? They have NEVER added something during the cycle, aside from what they put out at the beginning. Stop being delusional.


i guess he started to play with this xpac.

if they started work with shaman druid hunter and paladin they will continue with that. dont wait any changes for other classes except tuning until 11.1

I’m not sure that priest having a DF alpha class tree and each spec tree having 4-5 talent changes is “quite a few”. A single paladin, mage, shaman, hunter, or DK spec has gotten more changes in 11.0 alone than the whole priest class got from DF alpha all the way through 11.0.5.


This many large class changes posted 2 weeks after release reeks of a rushed release when they still had a ton of things to fix in beta.

That and the constant maintenance.


Trust me as Shaman I’d do whatever I can to make you get these changes instead of Shaman.


Paladin was recently reworked entirely.

Um… They added an entirely new spec in a .7 patch.

I specified the Paladin Class tree (Left hand side talents), not the spec trees.

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Uhm, what? .5 and .7 are different patch cycles? once again, fairly delusional. they will not add anything other then what they posted for .5. Just stop.

They stated enhancement had bigger work, but it wouldn’t be released until post-launch. This is what they had in mind it looks like. With that being said, there could be more tuning and work between this PTR and now. Keep pushing the feedback with clarity.

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