The alliance - players like to help each other. they are more patient and understanding in general, never get upset or angry.
The horde - they like to block the view of a mailbox or a NPC with their huge mounts. Sometimes we get a horde character blocking the magni portal, so people have no choice but to use hearth stone.
Funny, when I’m on my alliance alt there are people who will run over me on the clefthoof with world shrinker for 10 minutes straight for no reason. Almost like it’s not a faction restricted thing?
I don’t play alliance because the players are so much worse than the horde players, even something as simple as completing a warfront takes double the time on alliance because they just are not as good of players for whatever reason.
I am not like the other boring human male paladins, you know?
Hiding underneath my helm is the face, most handsome you’ve ever seen, trust me.
I guess for the horde faction, it’s just those Taurens on their mounts which is the main cause of many view blockage.
and it’s still true after all these years…
So you admit! It was you!
An alliance player may not be a pro pvper like a horde player, maybe that’s true. But, I never see them going AFK during warfronts. I see almost all of them working together, trying their best for the team. While the horde players, back when I was a horde many years ago, tend to AFK sometimes.
Just don’t block the flight master and go AFK plz
Ya no, everything is actually harder as alliance because the players are just not as good at anything and the warfronts take about double the time as horde warfronts being just one example. Horde players can afl through warfronts faster then alliance can actually try.
I have no first-hand experience with the matter, but I once heard a Forsaken say the difference between Alliance and Horde is there’s more dark meat on a Hordie.
The difference between the Alliance and the Horde that actually matters is one has dwarves, and the other tauren, the two best races in the entire game. Honestly, half of my toons would be dwarves if they were available to the Horde. I mean… the Dark Iron dwarves could’ve been Horde rollable? Why are the allied races restricted to particular factions anyway?