The Devs don't get enough praise

  • Banned GDKP
  • Trying to make each class interesting
  • Adding interesting gear (like cloth with a ton of agi, for example)
  • Open to feedback
  • Turned the dullest dungeons in the game into raids with interesting mechanics
  • Added more factions
  • Added awesome rune quests

Honestly, SoD is the best thing that Blizzard has made in the last 15+ years.


I mean you’re right but i think this is also why people get so frustrated by mishaps during development that could be avoided. Like all i had to do was read the original overload rune for lightning shield and knew it was gonna be busted and need a nerf lol. Forgetting to set a trinket to unique and deleting without refunding for anyone that farmed it x2. And the incursions with gold and all that stuff could have been thought through better.
But such is life, idk their environment, but i put more of that blame on the higher ups for not getting the SoD dev team some more like minded help or even some dedicated QA.

SoD is definitely the most I’ve enjoyed WoW in a very very long.

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You’re right that SoD was a great idea, but they are doing a bad job of sustaining it. Hope they have some good ideas for Phase 4.


I think they did a good job too. They deserve some praise for what they have accomplished. Farming runes has been fun too


they also cut the dungeons in half, putting it on training wheels (going from open design to linear design). boring :expressionless:

They are doing a great job.

People are just so grossly entitled they think everything should be perfect from a very small team with a very difficult job.

SoD is incredibly fun which is what a video game should be.

this :expressionless: but they will always cope by saying “well if we didn’t ban gdkp it would be even worse!!!”

Any idea they have, it’s clear they haven’t tested before being implemented.

SoD, for as fun as it was at first, feels way too “in development” for me to really enjoy.

Vanilla WoW, for all it’s flaws, was like 90% a finished product.

SoD relies on Vanilla to fill in what the devs forgot about, and it shows. Runes are strong, but base abilties all suck.

Power to those that enjoy it, but I’d rather play a whole new game than barely 5% or so of changes lol. You’ll be doing old stale Vanilla content at the end of the day.

I like the old WoW framework, but I did all that junk years ago. All people want is new content for their old game.

SoD is like 90% old content.


All in all this has been a great Live Beta service I’m glad to participate in.

This isn’t Classic +

This is the live beta for them TO MAKE THESE MISTAKES so they can have a great classic + release.

BG3 was in early access for years, with lots of playtest data. It’s the one thing people conveniently forget when they sing its praises for how great a game it was. Likely because it goes against the early access dogma they shovel.

Lots of good ideas and lots of bad ideas. Which is fine. I think it’s more of a missed opportunity, while overall pretty good. It comes down to a retail philosophy they can’t seem to depart from, even when stating their intention to do so. Also, and perhaps more importantly, a fundamental misunderstanding of why classic was/is more social. It’s not premade social clique mandates.

But the runes are fantastic!

Feels like retail to me with dual spec and all the runed abilities that are usually spec specific? Not to mention the world buff meta that is annoying af

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Agreed SOD is fun. Most of the runes are good and the new itemization is great. PVP events are also fun although chaotic.

devs are giving effort and communicating with the community again. thats a win. but i cant say they hit a homerun with sod. they just copied retail skills and released untested content that shattered the economy.

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I thought SoD would be a lame experiment but i play it more than Retail lately. Lots of fun, the most fun ive had with Vanilla content. When Era came out in 2019, i didnt make it past lvl 30, but breaking it into phases and forcing us to explore the world rather than sprint to level cap is creating a nice sense of progression and exploration.

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I feel like this is maybe an L. This only works in phase 3 because Sunken Temple has 7.5 lockouts before it’s abandoned but banning gdkp hurt Gnomer and may hurt at 60 as players stop playing content they have the gear from already.

yep love it or hate it, they made a game mode people are passionate enough about to cry about long after they say they quit.

GDKP ban was good. I pug ST on my alt and majority of ST pugs have been high quality. Monetizing pugs hurts that if you aren’t willing to pay or sacrifice loot to be paid.

GDKP in P1 was actually not a bad thing, probably a good thing because the population was so inflated due to the low level cap. Right now it would be hurting pugs so much, they can maybe consider it again at 60.

I completely agree. I rarely come to these here forums just because there is so much negativity. Glad I visited today to see something positive being said.

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Another Blizzard W was the change to Victory Rush. Moving it to 30% of health healed after killing a green or higher mob was excellent

It’s much smoother to level a Warrior now that you don’t have to bandage/eat every few mobs. You just keep trucking to the next one

That is a good example of a small but very effective change

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I like that they’re finally willing to take risks. Some pay off and some don’t, but trying out new things is always welcome in my book.

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