The Devos fight is STILL bugged

I am all for unique aspects in dungeons and bosses but holy s**t can you guys just nix the stupid spear if you can’t get it to work??? And no I didn’t miss, I always just wait until after she is moving and throw it after she holds still. It has an AOE so it’s not an accuracy thing, it clearly still fails sometimes. There’s no reason to fail a key over a godamn gimmick.


I’ve been disturbed by this bug too. It takes someone who is both (1) extremely good with timing and aim, and (2) spiritually favored by the RNGesus to hit Devos with that spear.

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Did they ever fix the sanguine depths lockout bug? I know thley claimed to have “fixed” it but they didn’t. Did they ever actually fix fix it?

That’s just it, it DOESN’T take “extremely good” aim. It has an aoe that is meant to keep things like ping and having to be that precise out of the equation. You can throw it at her side and it can still register if it’s in the hitbox. And she stops and stands still for literally 3 full seconds. The only reason for it to fail is due to coding.


I think you’re over valueing aim. I have faith that at least 70% of the playerbase could hit it most of the time. The bug most likely has some other trigger that we haven’t placed yet that is common enough to account for how often it misses. Idk if it’s player triggered or just a broken mechanic but yeah I’ve failed at least 2 keys because of it. Well, failed to time anyways.


Just remove the trash spear mechanic and have the collection of orbs be sufficient.


You must be a nun or something to have that much faith :rofl:

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I still only have a 90% success rate with the meathook in Necrotic Wake. And while that’s seems pretty good, there’s no reason such a simple dynamic should fail AT ALL.


Theres more than 1 bug for the boss. Usually you have to kill the 3 adds, but sometimes she spawns on the tank when you hit the first add.

Had keys fails because of the spear, I’m all for things and gimmicks, yet no one wants to touch the damn thing. Given if you miss that’s a wipe and it sucks to have a mechanic like that. I would rather fail it because I, or the group did something wrong, rather than the spear simply don’t register as hitting her. For whatever reason, so you wipe thanks to the stacking debuff.

I’m thinking it must be a lag issue on your part, when I first started running this dungeon I didn’t know to wait for her strafe. As soon as I learned to wait no matter how bad I wanted to throw I’ve never missed since.

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It has nothing to do with lag. We busted a key a few weeks ago when we wiped on it multiple times due to the spear not registering that it hit OR hitting but her still not coming to the ground. On several pulls it would act like we didn’t hit her and instead of spawning 5 more orbs for us to walk back it lined the entire platform with 20+ orbs but none of them would actually pick up.

If you’re having good luck with it, awesome. But there is definitely an issue.

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I have never missed and don’t find it difficult at all.

Must Agree SoA and NW are just sheer RNG

Yes, this is another bug. Not sure why this happens sometimes.

yep she bugged twice for us this weekend. it was reported a lot too.

i’m guessing the devs don’t play mythic+ much lol :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

maybe a ping issue? I actually never had issues w/ it other than when I flat out missed coz of my own stupidity

Never had an issue with it bugging out.
I do have an issue with giant friggin flapping wings in my face when I’m trying to aim.

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No offence but I have thrown every spear for every one of my Spires runs that I have done on all of my characters and not once has it bugged.

Only thing I can reasonably think of is some issue with ping. Otherwise I have been extremely lucky, or conversely the hit box is incorrect and my latency has caused “misses” to be hits.

I always seem to aim slightly to the left, do you perhaps hit slightly to the right? Maybe the hit box is slightly off-centre?

fun bug in halls of atonement when fighting halkias, as well. has happened multiple times. hell, maybe even every single time. at least someone gets either hit or annihilated by the rotating beams despite them not actually hitting. at the very least, halkias will just sort of…flutter about and can’t decide where to be shooting his beams, but it doesn’t hurt anyone.

this is the number 1 most successful mmo. what a disgrace.

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