The Destruction Warlock PVP ability Bane of Havoc is not working as of the latest update on Saturday 8-3-2024!

The Destruction Warlock PVP ability Bane of Havoc is not working as of the latest update on Saturday 8-3-2024 to!


hasnt worked in several days


Is there another thread on this topic? I mean why does this post only have 3 comments? The ability is still broken. No updates on when it will be fixed or even acknowledgement that it’s broken. /sadpanda


There have been a few posts on this. One I made 3 weeks ago now when the prepatch went live, another someone else made I commented on, and probably a few others too?

Bane of Havoc just hasn’t been working since this prepatch went live.

Edit: The prepatch was 3 weeks ago right?


Echoing this bug report – still true today, 8/7


A ton of warlock skills are broken right now and no acknowledgement or fixes yet. The demo tree spells arent working right, multiple spells for destro and afflic are broken, pet dmg is reduced in pvp waaaaay below what it should be, and healthstones are disappearing or going on cooldown when someone ELSE uses theirs. Its a mess.

Its been like this since the patch launched and it’s so WILD to me.


Still not working. Havoc applies when the pvp talent Bane of Havoc is NOT selected but when it is it does not work properly.

Tell Me When Icon I have for Havoc lights up letting me know that it has been applied but no target anywhere on my screen shows the actual application and existence of Havoc on anything and no ground marker of Bane of Havoc(actually can’t remember if there is a ground circle).

This is with talent combination of Havoc, Mayhem(those two work together), and pvp talent Bane of Havoc(this selection breaks it) so my thoughts are it is an issue with the Bane of Havoc pvp talent.

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Same issue.

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Still broken today as well.

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Still dead opened topic.They will not fix it i guess…Too many topics and blizz does not care.

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Sounds about right… bumped this just to add that though they did fix Bane of Havoc for 99% of abilities. Hellcaller’s ‘Wither’ doesn’t work with it still. STILL. All it does is replicate the immediate damage but doesn’t apply the damage over time effect on secondary targets within the Bane of Havoc.

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Still broken on 10-21-24???

Hi Blizzard. I see that you just dropped a nice big patch full of content and class changes. Glad to see you’ve still ignored bane of Havoc being bugged this whole time. I’m sure the dev time required to fix this bug is much too great for your company and instead you need to pump out this enormous patch instead of fixing bugs. Fair enough.

Bumping this because blizzard is hotfixing class bugs this week and a 3 month old bug on Warlock still hasnt even been addressed.

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I was wondering why my rolling havoc and mayhem werent proccing at all. I was doing significantly less damage then other warlocks. Turns out bane of havoc does not work and does not proc rolling havoc and stops spells from duplicating from mayhem. This bug is over 3 months old?!

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Reminded me to check it again! Bane of Havoc STILL does not work with Wither.

The instant damage of Wither IS successfully ‘cloned’ via Bane of Havoc, but the actual dot, and only reason to cast it, is NOT copied. STILL. Its been over 3 months!

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