The Desolate Host bugs out - Heroic TOS

Still bugged. Glad to see Blizzard still doesn’t seem to care a year later. Not even a single blue response, yikes.

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Same for me :frowning:

Same for me

Still bugged

Still happening. Blizzard, what is going on?

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Just had this issue.
What worked for me after trying it in different ways was:

  1. Don’t attack the Engine Of Souls. Get rid of his 3 minions and, switch over to the spiritual realm and attack the Priestess.
  2. Roughly around 50% of her health, I switched over and attacked the Engine Of Souls.
  3. Continue this until its health reaches 30%, at which he spawns the Desolate Host and it should begin to attack you. (Side note, all the other tries i made, the Desolate Host never attacked me, which in some way causes the encounter to fail.)
  4. From there, continue killing the Engine of Souls until it and the Priestess die together then, finish off the Desolate Host.
    You might be able to do some other variations of this but hopefully this helps someone.
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Aaaaaaaaaand still bugged. Literally just happened to me. ಠ_ಠ

Hey everyone, I found myself with this exact issue today July 2021. I left the raid and did my own thing irl for about 4 hours. When I returned, the boss was there. If you don’t go into the other realm, and just burn the boss down quick, you don’t run into a phasing or resetting issue. This was my personal experience, I hope you find success in your mog runs! Cheers


Still bugged.

Still bugged

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Still bugged

Still bugged as of Oct. 2021. RIP to my first mythic run.

It has been over a year since this has been bugged…

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I’ve had three different bugs because of this encounter in the past two weeks.

  1. The boss despawns mid-fight.
  2. The Engine of Souls never released the Desolate Host and just died, but the Desolate host remained undefeated.
  3. After killing the boss, I couldn’t target or interact with any other mob or environment spell (traps, Maiden orbs in tunnel, etc). Sorta like being stuck in the spirit realm with no indication and no way to get out. Not even death popped me out.

What I did to correct all these issues was log out or go do something else and let the raid “soft reset.” Not sure the exact time it takes for that to happen, but I’d assume it’s at least 30 minutes.

When I came back each time the boss had re-spawned or I was again able to interact with other things.

Since it’s likely that these issues will never get fixed, this is probably your best bet to fix anything that goes wrong in that raid.

Hope this helps someone.

PS: I’ve decided, since I have the skip quest completed, to just kill the Desolate Host last, that way I can get all other kills in and just deal with him if there’s a bug,


This is what worked for me. Tried everyone else’s strats here. Just staying in the top(corporeal) realm and burning the 3 adds was keeping him from despawning.

3 adds>engine>host>gg

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Still happening as of today, 2/7/22 and no blue reply that I see either… might be time to look for a new game if this is what blizzard has turned into.


5/9/2022 happened to me as well

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5/10/2022 just happened to me. I cant believe how this bug has lived for this long without being fixed let alone how mythic isn’t even scaled to legacy mode yet after what… 3 years now? 1 year overdue to be toned down for mog running. what’s going on blizzard?

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This is still an issue.
Broken on my priest and also my mage and warrior the next day. Mage cannot release spirit after jumping over the side either…
My hunter, DK, shm, monk had no issues.

Please fix, small indi company… :unamused:

I was running TOS on normal today (6/16/2022) and did not know the fight for The Desolate Host. Did not get any loot and can’t reset. Came here and saw there has been a long term issue with this boss fight.