Hey all!,
So I decided to try working on The Derby Dash earlier this morning. I had picked up the quest out in Hallowfall and opened up wowhead to help guide me where to fish up each fish for this weekly timed quest.
Went to various fishing pools where wowhead stated to go, But in the end I got no credit for the quest within the (1) hour time-frame. Had this exact same issue last week and week before as well.
I did however, Get credit for the achievement by fishing up other fish required for it. I do got a suggestion or two on how to make this easier for everyone in the long-run!
First, I would remove the (1) hour timer that starts counting down right when you accept the quest. From my experience I find the (1) hour timer is not enough time to fly around and have the RNG luck to fish up the fish that are required for the quest itself.
Personally, I would make it that you get a debuff where you can fish up the fish for this achievement starting right at midnight on Saturday and then ending at 11:59PM Saturday night.
This would apply for the quest as well. You would get 24-hours to do the quest out in Hallowfall before it’s removed from your quest log automatically. Once the event has ended for the week, You wouldn’t get any credit for the achievement until this event rolls around again.
Just a thought that would make this event a whole lot easier for everyone in the end!