The delves loot info

so this would not effect me i do tier 8 for the vault loot and chest loot

So still same track, but one or two ranks down. Looks like they did that because of the Crests we’ll be earning.

  • Tier 6 Bountiful currently Veteran 3/8
  • Tier 8 Bountiful currently Champion 3/8
  • Tier 8 Great Vault currently Hero 3/6

Seems like you can realistically farm a large number of Runed Crests in T11s, and it doesn’t appear capped. So they’re turning into a crest grind.

Dang, guess they really are nerfing delve loot

Yes and no, you can get gear up to T11s now. Siren Isles is the best way to level a fresh 80, get full vet gear in 45 minutes with flame blessed iron

Eh. It’s a very slight nerf combined with a very large buff. I’m certainly not complaining.

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Wont T11 drop the highest level crests though? And I am happy to hear that T11 will actually be designed for Delvers, not M+/Raiders wanting a solo challenge in their “off time”.

I’m not complaining either… I like to test things out, but I don’t super agree that it’s a net gain. I think it’s just more grindy. TBH it sounds like it’s “better” for my “main”, as I’ll be able to max out my hero gear (at least theoretically), but crappier for my alts, since i’m not likely to grind out a bunch of t11’s on a bunch of junky toons.

Don’t disregard the buffs to t9 and t10. T9s will give 7 runed and t10 will give 10 runed.

It depends on how many you do on your alts. If you only do 2 and hope for an upgrade from the vault then it would be a nerf. If you do 4 x t9s, you’ll get the Hero 1 from the vault and 28 runed crests, which is almost enough to get it to Hero 3. If you do more than 4 or do them at higher difficulty, it’s a net gain. Once you unlock the runed discount on your main, the breakeven point drops to 3 x t9.

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You have good points. It’s hard to tell how much I’ll actually do these. That’s why I’m not complaining. I guess we’ll see :smiley: