The Delve Journey Track

Is there a way to show your delve journey progress with actual numbers? Like, there’s this little orange bar and I have no clue how much I’ve earned or how much I need to earn for the next rank or the whole season for that matter. Am I missing an option or maybe an addon?

On a little different track… do you have any thoughts on best class\spec for moving up the Tier rank in Delves?

I’m not exactly sure I know what you mean.

Wheny ou click the Delver’s Guide on the table in front of Brann in Valdrakken, it shows an orange line titled the Delver’s Journey. That is also available when you press I to summon the Group Finder and select the Delves tab on the bottom.

At various points along that line are marked rewards, which are schematics for pieces of the Dirigible, and later, the ability to purchase Coffer Keys and starter gear for alts.

I just checked the Guide

There’s not a lot about putting actual numbers on the line,or what earns you what number. I do see a quest that rewards 1500 Delver’s Journey Currency, so it must be handled as a number internally, but I don’t know of anywhere to see it, though it must be possible.

Personally, I’d just check the length of the line (with a screenshot and pixel counting) before and after doing a Delve to get a sense of how much progress each Delve and reward gives you. I don’t see an addon or WeakAura to do that at the moment,though someone might make one.

As for “best class”, I doubt anyone knows yet. Delves were launched pretty broken, and after that was brought to light with numbers, the devs did a series of pretty big changes - and they may not be finished with that,

They were trying to make it equal-ish for all classes solo. I don’t think they can really succeed in that. I suspect that no matter what they do, specs with strong self-healing, especially tanks, hunters, and locks will be more likely to make it through, though maybe more slowly.

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google led me to this thread and i was afraid this was the answer. like, seeing i gained 100 points means absolutely nothing to me because i don’t know many i need,

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I don’t understand?

Measuring the line doesn’t translate into points.

The line is divided into 10 milestones.

If you do, say, a Level 8, and the line increases by a quarter of a milestone, then you know that you need 40 Level 8s total to complete the whole thing.

If you are at 1.5 milestones now, and a level 8 gives you a quarter of a milestone, then you need to do two more to reach the second milestone. And 4 after that for each subsequent milestone. And so on.

I maybe should start taking note of how much progress each Delve gives me… This is WoW - somebody somewhere must already be investigating :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: I googled this, which does put numbers on the progress. Look towards the bottom.

According to this, it’s the chests you open at the end of the delve that actually award the rep.

The core of it is:

Tier 1: Opening a common chest rewards 20 reputation.

Tier 2: Opening a common chest rewards 73 reputation.

Tier 3: Opening a common chest rewards 110 reputation.

Tier 4: Opening a common chest rewards 154 reputation.

Tier 5: Opening a common chest rewards 199 reputation.

Tier 6: Opening a common chest rewards 242 reputation.

Tier 7: Opening a common chest rewards 322 reputation.

Tier 8: Opening a common chest rewards 407 reputation.


Thank you so much!! There really isn’t much anywhere that tells HOW to gain progress on the bar. I’m sure I’m not the only one who tried looking it up and came up empty. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

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I also wanted a way to get a number since a bar isn’t a good visual representation for me. I never truly see if it’s moving so it just doesn’t work for me. I made an addon that puts the numbers in. Blizzard made it around the reputation system and we basically have 10 levels of rep to get through for each reward, so my addon shows the amount of rep you have gained for that reward.
and since I can’t post links yet, go to curseforge and search for DelveJunkie.


Here is the URL, but since many people use an app to download their addons, many will not need it.

It’s a neat addition to the bar.


delvejunie addon
curseforge com/wow/addons/delvejunkie

delvejunkie addon

thank you! this was exactly what i was after!